F2B BREAKING NEWS: Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024

All the news you need for Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Breaking News is Produced by Renee Neumann

Season 1-2 of ‘Into the Vortex’:

Gamechanger F2B Membership:

F2B T-shirts:

Hidden Inca Tours Peru 2024:

November 2024: Explore the Mysteries of Peru and Bolivia Tour

River Moon Coffee:

Our LIVE show 7-10pm PT Mon-Thursday:

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Ep. 2045 Christopher Dunn: Ancient Egypt Tech

Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Researcher and author Christopher Dunn joins us to discuss Ancient Egyptian Tech!

Christopher Dunn was born in 1946 in Manchester, England, and has an extensive background as a craftsman, starting his career as an indentured apprentice in his hometown of Manchester. Recruited by an American aerospace company, he immigrated to the United States in 1969. For 52 years, Chris worked at every level of high-tech manufacturing from machinist, toolmaker, programmer and operator of high-power industrial lasers, Project Engineer and Laser Operations Manager. For 17 years, he served as Human Resource Director for a Midwest aerospace manufacturer.

Chris’s pyramid odyssey began in 1977 after he read Peter Tompkins’ book Secrets of the Great Pyramid. His immediate reaction after learning of the Great Pyramid’s precision and design characteristics was to consider that this edifice may have had an original purpose that differed from conventional opinion. After further research and study of source material on various theories, Chris concluded that it must have originally been built to provide a highly technical society with energy—in short, it was a very large machine. Discovering the purpose of this machine and documenting his case took the better part of twenty years of research and resulted in the 1998 publication of Chris’s book, The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt, which describes a holistic energy device that is harmonically coupled with the Earth and its inhabitants.

Chris has published over a dozen magazine articles, including the much quoted “Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt?” in Analog, August 1984, and has had his research referenced in over a dozen books on Egypt. In the United States he has discussed his research in appearances on PAX Television, the History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens”, Travel Channel, Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, and Lifetime Television. Additionally, Chris has made numerous presentations on his ancient Egyptian findings at conferences worldwide.



Air date: Sep 17, 2024

Season 1-2 of ‘Into the Vortex’:

Gamechanger F2B Membership:

F2B T-shirts:

Hidden Inca Tours Peru 2024:

November 2024: Explore the Mysteries of Peru and Bolivia Tour

River Moon Coffee:

Our LIVE show 7-10pm PT Mon-Thursday:

FADE to BLACK Fadernaut Memberships:

FADE to BLACK Podcast subscriptions:

FADE to BLACK on Facebook:

4 Most Bizarre Ways the Universe Could End

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What if the universe is a ticking time bomb, waiting for a sudden, catastrophic collapse?
What if everything we know is just one stage in an endless cycle of universes, reborn again and again?
What if reality itself is an illusion—and we’re nothing more than temporary, floating consciousnesses?
And what if the ultimate fate of the universe is determined by intelligence, not physics?

Trump and a New Era of Political Violence

The latest apparent assassination attempt against Donald J. Trump indicates how much the American political landscape has been shaped by anger stirred by Mr. Trump and against him. Peter Baker, chief White House correspondent for The New York Times, explains.

Video by Peter Baker, Alexandra Ostasiewicz, Christina Shaman, Laura Salaberry and Nikolay Nikolov

Read the story here: https://nyti.ms/3zy3iVX
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Whether it’s reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It’s all the news that’s fit to watch.