Biblical Times?! The World Hasn’t Seen Anything Like This! 2024

Biblical Times?! The World Hasn’t Seen Anything Like This! 2024

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While Searching for a Lost Dog in the Mountains, This Happened

Today I saw someone had lost their dog in the Mountains after a car went off the road. Luckily everyone’s ok, but the dog “Paisly” is an 8 year old lab mix and has been missing since Tuesday. They needed a Drone so I offered to help and have about 25 minutes of high definition 6k aerial footage and will be happy to share it with anyone that can help find her. A large monitor or Bigscreen will help. I also hiked several miles on the mountain hoping to find her with no luck. The road is in between Bayfield and Pagosa Springs USFS 622, North of Sheep Creek Trailhead a few miles. There are signs of the dog at the location of the accident you can see on the left. It is very steep and I would recommend ropes and safety equipment if you consider exploring the mountain from the road. The trailhead south does not lead to the location. I then went north of the location and dropped elevation a few hundred feet and found a road that led to a cabin and some game trails. I took this route south a couple miles towards the location the car went off the road and hiked up to the top of the road again. Unfortunately no luck. I did find fresh bear skat and a cool cabin in the woods. Let’s find this sweet dog. Be the change you want to see!