Hollyweird: The Capital of the Pervert Degenerate and Reprobate Exposed

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Hollywood has long been considered a haven for “perverts and degenerates” due to a combination of its historical association with moral laxity, the public’s fascination with celebrity scandals, and the industry’s tolerance for unconventional behavior in the name of creativity. From the early days of Hollywood, stories of wild parties, substance abuse, and sexual escapades among the stars have fueled this reputation. The industry’s tendency to prioritize talent and box office success over personal conduct has often shielded or even celebrated individuals whose behaviors might be considered scandalous or immoral by broader societal standards. This perception is further amplified by high-profile cases of misconduct, the #MeToo movement exposing systemic abuse, and cultural narratives that romanticize the rebellious, boundary-pushing lifestyle of artists. Moreover, the concentration of power and influence in Hollywood has sometimes allowed for the normalization or cover-up of predatory behaviors, adding to its image as a place where traditional moral boundaries are frequently transgressed.

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For Day of the Dead, I Followed This Flower’s Journey | Op-Docs

The life of the marigold, known as the cempasúchil in Mexico, reflects our own: the plant sprouts, grows, flowers and dies. The flowers’ yellow and orange glow is ubiquitous across Mexico every year in the first few days of November, during Day of the Dead, as families place cempasúchil flowers on altars and at cemeteries to create a path to guide their loved ones back home.

My grandmother died of Covid in October 2020, just as the cempasúchil began to appear in the markets of Mexico City. Her death was sudden, and it was a painful experience for my family. Because of the restrictions on gatherings during Covid in Mexico, a funeral was not held after her death.

A few days later, my cousin Gabriel, who lived with my grandmother, went to buy the materials for her first altar. When I saw the image of the altar through family text messages, I was struck by the beauty of his gift to her memory. He created it alone in their shared apartment; this was the only ceremony he could assemble to celebrate her life.

Around her portrait beamed the sunlike glow of the cempasúchil. Absorbed by its radiance, I wondered what other hands had passed over the flowers resting on her altar. Had they faced a similar loss? Did they have the chance to celebrate their loved ones?

These questions led me to retrace the path that those flowers traveled: from the fields where they were harvested to the markets where they were sold and then to my grandmother’s altar. Along the way, I met people who had lost their loved ones to Covid and gained a deeper understanding of the unique grief we experienced during the pandemic. In the short documentary above, “más y más y más flores,” I observe how the cempasúchil not only connects us to those in the realm beyond, but to one another in the world of the living.

After the Day of the Dead has passed, when the flowers wither and fall, seeds appear and scatter. From its own death, the cempasúchil’s next cycle of life begins.

– Film and text by César Martínez Barba (https://www.cesarmartinezbarba.com/).

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Diddy’s Dark Dirty Secrets Exposed With Lionel & Shaun Attwood

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Lionel Nation’s return appearance on the Shaun Attwood Show turned into a memorable segment where the discussion around Diddy and the broader entertainment industry’s turmoil took a humorous turn. Lionel, known for his sharp wit and outside-the-box commentary, delved into the alleged controversies surrounding Diddy, painting a picture of an entertainment world teetering on the brink of its own excesses. His satirical take on the situation, combined with his unique style of delivery, had Shaun Attwood in stitches. Attwood, who usually hosts discussions on true crime with a serious tone, found himself laughing so hard he could barely catch his breath. Lionel’s ability to find humor in the darker corners of celebrity culture and the entertainment industry’s apparent ‘destruction’ provided not just entertainment but also a light-hearted critique on the absurdities often overlooked in mainstream discussions. This episode showcased not only Lionel’s comedic timing but also highlighted Attwood’s capacity for enjoying the lighter, more absurdist side of the stories that typically dominate their conversations.

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