3a / 11 Attack on America in Plain Site # 3a (MIRROR from RubysTableTalk)

CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST www.youtube.com FOR ENTIRE PLAYLIST CLICK HERE www.youtube.com www.youtube.com I am not singling any one race out or person I am only listening to what I am told to tell you in each video. I am not trying to in site fear into any one or anger in anyone. I am just showing each of you what I have been shown. This is hard it is to the point and at times a bitter pill to down. But we have to have ours eyes wide open at all times so we will see everything at all angles. We were not promised life would be easy only that he would never leave us nor forsake us. We are being taken over from with in! Ruby Duby The Brain Chip – A Prison For Your Mind www.youtube.com Islamic Sharia Law to Be Banned in, ah, Oklahoma abcnews.go.com State Rep.- ‘Dangerous Fools’ Would Impose Sharia Law In US Courts www.youtube.com Clean TV News: June 23rd, 2010 www.youtube.com UPDATE* New Islamic Mosque at Ground Zero www.youtube.com shoebat.com clips from: 2210 LA Lakers Riot Falling cards Lakers Riots 2010