5/6 Prophetic Warnings – Pillar of Light – (MIRROR) SIGNS OF THE TIMES POSTED FEB 2011

CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST www.youtube.com I have not found her original channel. These were mirrors. from Jan 25 2011 PEOPLE WILL STARVE EQ around world MEX flooding – half under water America attacked by N Korea Russia selling NUKES Russia take nations around them Columbia Turkey Venz Syria WATCH SKY – NYC Washington worst weather RIOTS in DC CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED BIBLE BURNED Israel will give away land Sign peace treaty Meteors Flood NC MS Atl Mudslides LA CA Signs in Sky Africa will Rise Up AVOID CROWDS WATCH WHAT YOU EAT DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING NEW VIRUS New Bank System Mark freedom is lost Riots in America will start in DC STARVATION food shortage food prices earthquakes Bible is being fulfilled