A Body You Have Prepared For Me

provision of US Code, Title 17, section 107. … beyonce sasha fierce get me bodied subliminal message ashtoreth astarte asherah pole temple prostitute altar worship groves stripper poles feminine principle emulation domination feminism devil sun-god lord of the opening jay-z jesus christian demon possession satan lucifer horus all seeing eye phoenix sun god jezebel illuminati spirits alter ego stage name knowles religion rihanna umbrella chris brown messages Freemasons freemasonry NWO …

20 thoughts on “A Body You Have Prepared For Me”

  1. Wow. Video was so on point and I hadnt really noticed the attempts of possession in this video until now.
    Great Video and keep them coming

  2. Amazing Video. Look at beyonce’s eyes when she is rising in the robot shell beginning at 9:12, she is posessed, she does not blink. I have seen performances where she does not blink at all.

  3. so damn true! when u try to explain it to other people, they think that you’re nuts ! lol

  4. i will send you a picture i found on sasha fierce’s myspace
    yea its weird that she has one, she is really in control

  5. This is clearly your interpretation, and it is shared with many. But my interpretation disagrees with yours. Can the umbrella not represent protection? And the video clip is inspired by legendary choreographer Bob Fosse’s Rich Man’s Frug. This is obviously where the decor and caged animal derive from.

  6. “I aint worried doing me tonight” is a common form of slang in the south. Especially in New Orleans, me is added to a lot of things. It’s just they way they talk, nothing to get all riled up about. Examples: I’m going to the gym me or Imma do me. It’s not from some demons its just from the languages being mixed especially spanish and french like how they say house red instead of red house like in english. I mean I see what you are saying but you might be reading into it toooo much. jeez

  7. The Great Deception is in full effect. I pray daily over my children that they will not be “enchanted” by this sex magic ritual. It’s difficult to even get the youth to listen to things of this nature, they have been programmed from birth by all manner of worldly devices. But as for me and MY HOUSE we shall serve the LORD.

  8. I love your videos! Keep em comming. This is why I have given up hip hop and trying to convince others about this music. people don’t want to listen but oh well. Keep these videos comming! MORE MORE

  9. LOL @ last pic in the end.. you got me all scared again 🙁 But still very intresting…!

  10. Aenesis, I believe everything your saying. I have a question what is the sugnificance of the numbers 9481? And is she warning people who are on to her and Jay Z Rhiana etc? At the beginning of the live Bee set? TY 🙂

  11. Confirmation! Not long after you did that first video about Sasha Fierce, I began to scrutinize her songs and vids. I thought of this one, and I did not the demon in the cage. But I never would have noticed the columns and statues! But hey! Are you old enough to remember one of Queen Latifah’s fist songs where she sings, “Don’t make me wait! Come into my house! GIVE ME BODY!!!!?”

  12. The black n white in satanic worship symbolizes alot of things, fight between good/evil, and also bisexuality, did u notice both male n females were worshipping her um ehem while the bottom of her dress was black and white….that also shows reference too because not just men “love” her but women also, shes appealing to the masses again…

  13. It’s scary to learn all this stuff about Beyonce but i got questions! Her videos clips are very studied! even the color of the umbrella but I’m almost sure that it’s her managers; coregraphers; directors; well her team who tell her just what To do, what to wear, how to dance…! So it means that even all her stuff team acts under Satan’s will or is involved in??

  14. I saw her on larry king live last night talking about having out of body experiences and losing control on stage. She said the movie obsessed will allow her to express her rage. When she said that my husband and I look at each other and said she is possesed. And then turned to watch some wholesome news.

  15. That is true, as embodied in the yin/yang symbol. But it is a lie. There are not equal forces of good and evil at work. God is omnipotent, the devil is not.

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