A Message from the Heart – The Battle is On – Doug Hagmann

The battle is raging – but the real war taking place is not ocurring where most people are looking or directed to look. The real battle is not on the streets of Charlottesville or any other U.S. town, but is being waged by those inside the boardrooms and in the deep recesses of the mansions of the Globalists who have declared war against the “alt-right” – i.e. Conservatives, Christian Conservatives and pro-Constitutionalists and those who support them.

This war is one of optics and information. At stake is the truth, and the “alt” media (the independent media) is in the crosshairs of the Progressive, Marxist, Socialist tyrannical war machine. Censorship of the truth is taking place across all Silicon Valley controlled platforms – truth is the new hate speech. The Globalists must shut down those who disseminate the truth rather than their pre-scripted propaganda .

Obviously, it is not a new concept, but their tactics have become much more asymmetrical and aggressive.

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