A Possitive LSD Story on The News – Bill Hicks on Drugs

Bill Hicks asking for a Positive LSD story on the news. This is one of my favourite clips off Bill so I just had to stick it up here to share it with you guys. It amazes me how many people don’t know about Bill Hicks. Lightening fast, politically perfect and funny as hell! Why are all the greats snatched away from us? RIP Bill Hicks Dec 16th, 1961 – Feb 26th, 1994. Video Lyrics: …How about a positive LSD story, that would be news-worthy. Don’t you think…? Anybody think that…? Just once …

29 thoughts on “A Possitive LSD Story on The News – Bill Hicks on Drugs”

  1. it is a hallucinogenic drug like magic mushrooms but it comes in a small tab (piece of paper) about the size of your thumb nail and you eat it and it has chemicals in it that make you hallucinate

  2. try to watch that after some smoke… i’v almost get a collapse when i’v watch this.. i was feeling like intentional energy in state of form…:/ very suggestive what he saying… or watch after smoke “Terence Mckenna – Culture is your operating system”

  3. If you have access to Youtube why don’t you just Google what LSD is???

  4. wtf are u talking about he didnt make tht up tht is a poem by jim morrison the lead singer of the doors

  5. I love you bill, you’re one of the few people who can truly inspire me. R.I.P.

  6. what is lsd? What an ******** ..are you kidding me? Have you never hid behind a blade of grass and the door is ajar? What a ******** wanker. The next train for Edge City is leaving all the time.

  7. All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, we are all one conciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we’re the imagination of ourselves.

  8. This isn’t the recording you hear on the song actually, this is a newer version of it.

  9. I’ve got a positive LSD story for yall. Dock Ellis pitched a no hitter(WHILE ON LSD) for the Pittsburgh Pirates on June 12th, 1970.

  10. whats it called? my dad has his poetry on albums kinda lame but i opened my mind recently and will listen to just about anything now

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