A Tribute to George Carlin

INFORMATION: This video was removed for a while because of a copyright claim by Warner Music Group, for the bit “Euphemisms”. I disputed this because all footage in this video is from his HBO concerts. Just to let everybody know in case they manage to take it down for good. I hope not. George Carlin died yesterday, 22nd of June, 2008. He was 71 years old. Jeez, he was here just a minute ago. Never was there a man that could make you both laugh, think, and even question the way we look at the …

18 thoughts on “A Tribute to George Carlin”

  1. boycott wmg , i spent quite some time on a video and had it ruined because of WMG and their ridiculous copyrights.. Boycott the shitasses.. refuse to buy any of their products..

  2. whenever there’s a guy that won’t shut up, how would you tell him? I would be like mr. George Carling. SHUT THE ***** UP SHUT THE ***** UP!

  3. The irony is that the WMG coming in and saying that they own the audio from a George Carlin show would make a great George Carlin bit if he was around to make fun of them for being dipshits.

  4. Yeah, thanks for the effort brother…this man was funny…and still is funny…sad that some powerhouse jerks would do this to you and take away this video. Search superwhuffo1 and learn why people do these things…

  5. iono if this particular show was ever legally put onto a DVD or VHS but if it was i know u could purchase it and have the right to put it on youtube ;D

    then as long as u dont charge money for people to watch it it’s perfectly legal

    sorta like crappy cover bands who purchase old school bands music and ripped it off ;P

  6. I’m afraid I’m not interested in migrating to some other site. Even if I just posted this video somewhere else that first means choosing a site, then registering and going through the trouble of uploading and spreading it again. There’s not really a point to it, as it was mainly made for the time around George’s death. That’s why I also chose to not reupload it with other audio for that segment. It would make the date I posted it, and the views and honors it’s accrued since then for naught.

  7. I agree with mmuldoor,

    And please make clear where you put the link, I would suggest Annotating it clearly on the video.

    And actually it might be a good idea in general for us to annotate to another or several alternative video sites.

  8. Just post it somewhere else man. Youtube doesn’t have a monopoly on this stuff anymore. The old media will never win.

  9. a truly great comedian!! I first started watchg his skits as the hippie dippy weatherman on Rowan & Martins laugh in

  10. I’ll bet you he wouldn’t have protested posting it when he was alive. I’ll bet he’d have said something like “***** WMG”.

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