After Being Mocked by Smug Media, 11-Yr-Old Barron Trump Gets the Last Laugh

After Being Mocked by Smug Media, 11-Yr-Old Barron Trump Gets the Last Laugh

Barron Trump finally moved to the White House on Sunday with his mother Melania to join the president. What is a long-awaited move to be celebrated since the Trumps are all now together, liberals once again show their hateful side by choosing to of all things, mock the 11 year-old for playing with a fidget spinner toy as he got off Air Force One.

Independent Journal Review reported that Twitter users made fun of Barron for playing with the fidget spinner even though it is currently the most popular toy in America.
Liberals also chose to make snide remarks about Barron’s “Expert” T-shirt that he wore. However, Barron got the last laugh since that same t-shirt sold out at J. Crew within 48 hours after he was pictured wearing it.
Things got even better for Barron on Tuesday, when the Clemson Tigers visited the White House. There, they gifted both Barron and his father with special honorary jerseys.

We’re glad to see that Barron is already experiencing some of the perks of living in the White House, even though liberals are set on ruining the time he spends there with their persistent bullying.

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