After Judge Upholds Obama’s Illegal Alien Program, Trump’s Secretary Unloads A Crushing Reply

After Judge Upholds Obama’s Illegal Alien Program, Trump’s Secretary Unloads A Crushing Reply

The moment Donald Trump announced his plans to fix immigration, the left pounced.

Democrats have been exploiting illegal immigration for years. They’re not really interested in helping immigrants, just manipulating them.

That’s why Obama did such a bad job at securing the border; much like in every other case, liberals use minorities to get votes.

How do we know for sure? Just look at DACA. Donald Trump wants to help illegals, which is why he made DACA such a priority.

But what has the left done to find a permanent solution? Oh, right, nothing.

Now a crackpot judge is trying to force President Trump to reinstate the toxic program and in reply, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders had a brilliant retort.

From IJR:

“White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Wednesday hit back at a ruling from a federal judge in Washington, D.C., who said the Trump administration must continue the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and open it to new applicants.

‘The DACA program violates federal law. President Obama went around Congress and created the illegal DACA program,’ Sanders told the press at her daily press briefing.

‘We believe the judge’s ruling is extraordinarily broad and wrong on the law.’

‘What’s worse is that it creates an incentive for more illegal immigrant youth to come here and causes them to expect similar judicial policies be applied to them.’

‘This ruling is good news for smuggling organizations and criminal networks and horrible news for our national security,’ she continued.

‘It’s time for Congress to do what the president has called on them to do and offer to be part of and actually fix this problem.‘”

Everyone knows DACA is illegal and President Obama overstepped his authority by using an executive order to create it.

Since when are Presidents allowed to use EO’s like law? President Trump, on the other hand, wants to work with Congress for permanent results.
DACA was never meant to last. Congress should have come up with a solution long ago. Democrats don’t want to, though, because it’s easier to leave this failed program in place.

They are cowards and career politicians; they keep their jobs by preventing positive change. Just like any other con artist.

Here, Sanders exposes the ugly truth about DACA. Illegal aliens think our laws are meaningless…they can sneak in and do whatever they want.

That’s why so many illegals get caught with DUI’s. It’s why so many Americans die at the hands of illegals. DACA is also why so many young aliens join drug cartels and gangs.

Why not? It’s not like our government is going to do anything about it.

Don’t be surprised to learn the White House is challenging this verdict and when they do, will you stand up and support Trump in his drive to eradicate illegal immigration?