After Trump Notices A Familiar Face, He Stops His Speech And Makes A 100 Patriotic Gesture

After Trump Notices A Familiar Face, He Stops His Speech And Makes A 100% Patriotic Gesture

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Despite the negative press, the President is not the evil caricature the media often depicts him to be.

President Trump often goes out of his way to make sure his constituents know that he appreciates them by acknowledging them personally. He does this especially with our military and our fine police officers.

His predecessor Obama rarely showed such respect for the men and women who keep us safe.

Even during the funeral for officers slain in Dallas by a Black Lives Matter sniper, Obama took it as an opportunity to talk about institutionalized racism against black people, instead of choosing to honor the men who had fallen.

And let’s also not forget his infamous “latte salute”, where Obama saluted a Marine while still holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

Trump, on the other hand, has nothing but the highest admiration for our service members, and takes the time to meet with them and hear their stories.

During a recent speech in New York, Trump called out a man who he felt deserved special recognition for all his fine work.

From The Daily Caller:

“President Donald Trump was speaking at the United States Military Academy at West Point Tuesday, when he read part of his speech thanking the superintendent of the school.
When Trump turned around and saw him, he immediately remembered meeting him and shook his hand.”

Lieutenant General Bob Caslen and Trump greeted each other warmly and Trump went on to praise the “great leader.”

“How do you like it Bob? Bob Caslen, you know, you remember our meeting, right? But I’m glad you did what you did, and you have done a fantastic job.

I made the right choice with you.”

Trump then thanked him for his exemplary leadership “at a legendary institution that has been a source of pride and strength for our country for more than two centuries.”

The president appears to have a special spot in his heart for military academies, considering his own enrollment in the New York Military Academy at the age of 13.

Trump’s gracious treatment of Caslen is earning him a lot of respect from Americans who love our military, too.

Obama certainly wouldn’t have given Lieutenant General Caslen such a warm greeting. It’s Trump who honors our heroes!