Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 3/4:The Illuminati Are Making Their Move!!

28 thoughts on “Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 3/4:The Illuminati Are Making Their Move!!”

  1. nope nothin here(southwestern Ont), i would imagine Canada would follow the U.S. Not to mention we are also part of the U.N and W.H.O which is crooked as *****. RESIST THE NWO!

  2. I wondered myself if he was deliberately setup as the false opposition. If we keep reading that Bono is saving the world, it might make everyone else apathetic as they think the problems are already being dealt with.

  3. Sorry but heirloom seeds are no good against
    Monsantos GMO seeds. When their genetic
    drift pollinates your heirloom plants it will
    become sterile like theirs and you will be
    forced to keep buying their frankenseeds.
    Its already started and I’m not sure this
    mutation can be stopped now. ***** you
    Monsanto and your NWO freinds!

  4. I read that two major farms in the USA didn’t plant this year & the govt didn’t address this problem.
    About the GIVE Act, I read some of it & there is a Section that says participants will renounce all religious beliefs & give up freedom of speech. (I should’ve printed this, because when I went back to read it, those sections were gone. Have any of you read this?)

  5. You’re right. All we need is that 100th monkey and everyone will start to wake up. Well hopefully.

  6. no..there is no major outbreak…maybe in quebec somewhere east Canada. Its not really bad here in Canada for fear mongering.

  7. Man thinking he can do natures job for her is vanity, it is the fall of the annunaki Lucifer. I do not think nature needs the help of greedy people. However, i do know that this “crisis” Armageddon if you will nwo, end of the ages , whatever you wish, it will bring mankind to a higher consciousness and the Ill-umenati types will not survive.

  8. I read it too. I may have a copy of it. I’m starting to save pdf files of this stuff when I see it so when they “disappear it” I have it in my computer.

  9. they are!…you heard it right…they are doing it here maryland for past 3 days…
    they dont care period!…warn other, spread the word…that is best, never mine if they dont listen, at least you have warn them…

  10. 2:3 Who is left among you who saw this house in its former glory? How do you see it now? Isnt it in your eyes as nothing? 2:4 Yet now be strong, Zerubbabel, says the LORD. Be strong, Joshua, son of Jehozadak, the high priest. Be strong, all you people of the land, says the LORD, and work, for I am with you, says the LORD of Hosts

  11. Does any one know why ( ever since the Level was raised to 5 by WHO AS A pANDEMIC) or who has/is witnessing small air craft(planes) and some large(planes) constsnly flying over all hours of the night and day ,6 am to 12 am .Areas where I see this happing is Southern California and portions of Northern California this is happing . Does anyone have a cleu as to what is going on , ever since this Pandemic level was raised???

  12. I disagree with Watt that EVERYONE will give into the new system. I think the majority will, but not everyone. Children of Men — the movie — is a carbon copy of the imagery of anarchy and rebellion that’s gonna happen in the near future.

  13. I wouldnt put it past me that the rockstar Bono has been bought into the Elite with gifts and bribes and soon as he passed his moment of succsess in the early 90s he feels a sense of superior and finds it fun being involved with the Elite!

  14. If you aren’t going to change your ways

    The earth can no longer support you

    Don’t hate the illuminati for doing the job that Mother Earth would do naturally..

  15. I am canadian too you guys. My uncle is a vice president of a small pharmaceutical company and there is no vaccine for the swine flu . IT IS |HYPED BY THE MEDIA. REFUSE TO TAKE THE VACCIE.

  16. I’m up here in Eastern Canada. There’s absolutely no fear mongering up here. There were four people with this flu in NS, all recovered at home. There is one woman in my city with this flu and other than being sick with flu like symptoms she’s doing ok. It’s no worse than any common flu. Your getting played down in the US!

  17. back up …..he was bought and sold before they even released their second album. He along with Geldof, Fergie, Madonna are all OTO. joining the likes of Jagger, Dylan,Richards and Sting. You can’t ….I repeat…can’t become a superstar unless your in the fold. The only thing with genuine grass roots is grass.

  18. whats wrong with high school education??? thats the minimum a person should be educated. should you be dumb if you choose to??? I understand if people have issues with the military or goverment, political views or sexual orientation etc, …. if my son said to me that he would not go to school because it is his right to do so because of i.e constitution, I´d give him a one world gov of my own atleast until he is 21. after that he can join the ******** republican party for all I care…

  19. thats the thing man you dont need a highschool education ppl can learn just as much or more on their own.

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