Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 4/4:The Illuminati Are Making Their Move!!

8 thoughts on “Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 4/4:The Illuminati Are Making Their Move!!”

  1. Something will give, naturally, not by some ego maniacal elites who , like the fallen Annunaki, Lucifer, think they can do a better job than nature.

  2. What is this guy talking about?

    The human race is overpopulating the planet off the scale.

    The human race is using up all available resources off the scale.

    The human race is polluting the planet off the scale.

    The human race is actually changing the climate of the entire planet through said pollution, overpopulation and greed.

    Human beings are special in that they have a complete & total disregard for Earth — and each other.

  3. Bleg1,if you think that the earth is over populated
    why don’t you start shooting yourself and every one in your family?Government are responsible
    for Climate change. with their Nuclear and biological experience.The Ozone hole was Created by HA.ARP not by CO2! Take the Size
    of land divided by the earth population,you will be amazed of the result!! Our Problem is over Concentration due to Economic and social abuse created by Governments.The resources of the earth are Controlled by them
    not us.

  4. Bleg, buddy, you could give every man, woman and child on this planet a quarter acre EACH (1000 square metres) and they would fit into the area of Australia (and leave half of Queensland)!! There’s ***** loads of room mate.
    Scarcity is bollox. Nature is abundance. There’s no reason why every man woman and child can’tbe clothed, housed and fed wonderfully well. It’s just deliberate, poor mnagement.
    Peace dude

  5. He finally talks about us as Spiritual/Physical beings.. and that we ARE SPECIAL..

    This is the most important thing you could hear today.. TAKE IT TO HEART YOU ARE SPECIAL



  6. i really agree with this guy.. it has to do with evolution / naturalistic thinking and ideals… under certain religions.. all life is sacred.. and has rights.. but evolution.. atheism.. promote the opposite.. that you are worthless and so is everything else.. and just a couple examples.. hitler.. heavily influenced by evoultion / naturalistic thinking.. dont believe me.. read mein kamph carefully.. also read kevin harris’s journal.. the one columine shooter.

  7. “The resources of the earth are Controlled by them
    not us.”

    Right on! It’s those people who are the enemy on this planet.

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