Alaska Senator Ted Stevens GUILTY on ALL COUNTS …McCain Palin Republican Ramifications Clear Sarah Palin’s friend and political pal Ted Stevens has been found guilty on ALL counts by the Grand Jury in Alaska – Breaking News… Press conference of the news released, now the Presidential election is more important than ever, to root out the corruption that exists in Alaska – and no doubt clings to the coattails of one Governor Sarah Palin as she tries to march her big oil interests into the White House. John McCain’s campaign continues to slide downhill and his running mate …

16 thoughts on “Alaska Senator Ted Stevens GUILTY on ALL COUNTS …McCain Palin Republican Ramifications Clear”

  1. Palin palin’ around with the longest running Republican Senate Crook. He say’s he loves Palin and she’s the best choice for Alaska. I wonder why he loves her so much?


  2. Another crooked SOB goes down…we are not putting up with it anymore!!! He should lose his U. S. Citizenship!!! That will stop the constant corruption we see every day!

  3. the internet IS something you can just dump something on like a truck with a series of tubes

  4. Sarah Failin’s proven to be a dumb-***** time & again. It makes you wonder about Alaskans. Failin has an 80% approval rating there & AK voters gave Senator Stevens (R-AK) a victory in the U.S. SENATE after being convicted on 7 FELONY counts. Maybe Alaskans thought he deserved to win because the bribes he took for home improvements were made out of Polar Bear Fur & AK Seal-Pup skin. What a bunch of moronic, dumb-****** man. What do they add to their water in AK anyway? LOL! Regards, E. Hasselbitch

  5. All politicians are crooked liars. I’m glad Sevens finally got caught. He’s a horrible old man with a nasty temper.
    The fact that he endorsed Palin speaks loudly, but the people who have decided to vote Republican are too selfish and/or stupid to change their minds, no matter what the truth is.
    Bush will probably pardon Stevens and all of the other criminal cronies under his dominion.

    Obama/Biden 08

  6. Apparently, Republican politicians have long been rolling in excess, and their misdeeds were overlooked– but things are changing. Either that, or such men have recently fallen into corruption. However, looking at tradition– Nixon, Reagan, Bush(GW)– we see a history of doing things the crooked way, with presidential pardons bestowed merrily and dimwittedly upon all. Although, we should be pleased: that corruption is still unacceptable to this nation, thus it can and will remain a great nation.

  7. I thought Palin cleaned up corruption in Alaska? She’s found guilty for abuse of power, and now a court found her buddy Stevens guilty on all seven felony counts for corruption…May be she needs to make another trip to Saks Fifth Avenue to ease her pain?

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