ALERT: This Lie Led To Yesterday’s Shooting, And It’s EXACTLY What Soros Wanted.
George Soros is the puppet master behind much of the evil perpetrated by the Left. His financial interests are extensive and he’s driven by a decades-long fanatical devotion to Marxist ideology.
The Hungarian billionaire knows that spreading his doctrine of radical socialism to the masses through his useful idiots in the media guarantees him a loyal army of Leftist foot soldiers. The big “winner” of the shooting on GOP congressmen in Virginia was George Soros, who is spreading liberal lies to incite violence against his political adversaries (via Front Page Mag).
The beauty of Soros’ plan is he doesn’t need to directly hire people. Although his money buys him a lot of muscle — which can be seen when Black Lives Matter starts destroying private property, Soros gains much more by inspiring “loan wolf” terrorists like James Hodgkinson.
These poor progressive zealots do the bidding of Soros without even realizing it — and in a way that legally can’t be traced back to him. The results are the same: Soros eliminates his opponents and conservatives are intimidated into facilitating the Leftist line.
Meanwhile, the brainwashed acolytes think every law they break and every crime they commit is in the name of “democracy”. They don’t care about harming innocents or even dying themselves. They’re happy to go down a martyr!
That’s Hodgkinson’s story exactly. A look at his history reveals a mind completely radicalized by the Left-wing propaganda that passes for news on mainstream media stations — media stations completely bought out by Soros.
Hodgkinson, a proud Bernie Sanders volunteer, was fully convinced the problem with America was rich people. Message after message on his social media pages shows a contempt for conservative fiscal policy. He was enamored with highly progressive taxes.
In his mind, getting the rich to “pay their fair share” would end all society’s problems. For James Hodgkinson, this was a religion. He was ready to transform himself into a soldier for Marxism. The enemy: anyone belonging to the Republican Party.
His was a mind that lived off conspiracy theories. Hodgkinson even believed that taxing the rich would have prevented events like the Great Depression and the Great Recession of late 2007. “This recession was started years ago when congressmen found out they could make money by accepting money from the super rich in the form of donations, by simply changing the tax laws and putting more of the burden on the working man,” he wrote.
What does the media expect when they constantly push this narrative? When they give fuel to the belief in class warfare via the narratives of widespread racism and”Russian colluson,” they have to know their audience is going to react violently. There’s no other logical consequence to telling someone his country is being taken over by a racist dictator who wants to step all over the working class.
The media are either incredibly naive or totally complicit. Either way, they bear at least some responsibility for the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia. And they are partiality responsible for future crimes inspired by their peddling of Marxist ideology.
We have to hold the pushers of these false narratives accountable. They can no longer be allowed to openly and brazenly incite violence against America. Let’s PUSH BACK — before it’s too late.
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