Alex Jones – 500,000 Plastic Coffins KLBJ 7/20/08 Yep, these are cheap plastic coffins. Hundreds of thousands of them. Don’t believe it? Why coffins? Why in the middle of Georgia? Well, apparently the Government is expecting a half million people to die relatively soon, and the Atlanta Airport is a major airline traffic hub, probably the biggest in the country, which means Georgia is a prime base to conduct military operations and coordination. It is also the home of the CDC, the Center for …

18 thoughts on “Alex Jones – 500,000 Plastic Coffins”

  1. Out of basic instinct just to stay alive.Turn up the pressure cooker and the gutless will sell their own mothers out.Even so called rebels

  2. it is easier and safer for them if the people they exterminated had been inflicted by something like the bio weapon ‘swine flu’.

  3. Alex Jones exposed



  4. 300k plus reviews im suprised this hasnt hit any local news yet but then again maybe they wont report on it idk

  5. Holocaust (for example) they dug huge holes in the Earth then used a bulldozer to push all the bodies gathered into the hole then covered it up – a mass grave – cheaper and easier than putting each body in a plastic tub. — So what is with all the plastic tubs/coffins? They aren’t going to kill many at once then take the time to place each body in the tub? Or would they? ….. Then they will have to dig holes to bury each coffin.

  6. die in an environmentally friendly , bio-degradable FEMA coffin if your gonna die . UP THE IRONS FROM ATLANTA –home of the 500,000 FEMA coffins !!!!!!!!!

  7. Dang this was before the swine flu hit lol, like forshadowing well swine flu isnt as bad as they keep hyping it. I bet that mandatory flu shot there creating will end up making the flu worse and thus having these coffins put to use.

  8. so it’s easier for the government to individually place each corpse in a plastic coffin after a mass genocide? would it not be easier to pile them up and burn it? lol

  9. Google: Vantage Products Corporation

    That should clear up this whole coffins issue.

  10. Yes, nobody will be suspicious if the government piles up thousands of bodies and then lights them on fire. Get real, they’re not gonna tell you that a biological warfare attack is going on and that they are the ones behind it.

  11. Oh well a guess all us rebels going to die, we going to die for the cause! die proudly! atleast I will of served my people! rather be buried alive then to follow the NWO..F that

  12. Fellow Christians, There is a “hate crimes bill” S.909 that was devised by the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith in order to criminalize Christianity. Any pastor who speaks out against homosexual marriage will be prosecuted. Any Pro-Life citizen who speaks out against the evil of abortion will also be prosecuted. Check out truthtellers and watch Rev. Ted Pike’s videos explaining the danger and then call your Senators toll free at 877-851-6437 and tell them NO on S.909. Save Our Constitution

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