Alex Jones arrested for refusing to thumbscan

From Alex Jones’ very first film ‘America: Destroyed by Design’. Alex is arrested for refusing to scan his thumb to renew his driver’s license.

4 thoughts on “Alex Jones arrested for refusing to thumbscan”

  1. Not trying to take sides, but he was arrested for refusing to leave when asked. Just because it’s a Federal building doesn’t mean he can go inside and cause a public disturbance. He was asked to leave, and he refused. Thats why he was arrested.

  2. Alex Jones is such a paranoid CONSPIRACY THEORIST……..he puts facts to the side and just yells his crazy point about NWO world domination, without ever offering any proof of what he says!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. are you ******** stupid? Anyone in charge of any organization or establishment can ask someone to leave. If they don’t they’re subject to arrest for 2nd Degree trespassing. Why dont’ you think really quick you ******** moron.

  4. Only malinformed losers say stuff like that when they’re desperate. Nice reply dusche. And sure, you can have people removed – IF it’s privately owned. A Secretary of State office like that isn’t. It’s “Federal”, or owned by the people. The same people that use it. All I have left to say to you is, ***** yourself in hell – because you’re just going to leave a similar comment, again. Thus, I’ll get a jab in before I leave your **** in the dust. I won’t be back just to flame. I’m simply better.

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