Alex Jones – BILDERBERG 2009: Jim Tucker 5-14-09 Pt1

Alex welcomes back to the show Big Jim Tucker reporting on the current Bilderberg Meeting in Greece. The world elite gather every year to plot a world government. Tucker from Greece: Bilderbergers own President Obama James P. Tucker The American Free Press May 15, 2009 Bilderberg luminaries all appeared grim-faced as they stepped from their limos on to the grounds of the Nafsika Astir Palace Hotel in Vouliagmeni, Greece. They arrived from the airport in nearby Athens, escorted by police with …

26 thoughts on “Alex Jones – BILDERBERG 2009: Jim Tucker 5-14-09 Pt1”

  1. the greeks should blow them up. well they have done so much bad things to the greeks just blow them up greece you can do it. nayyyyyyyyyyyy! just a zionist jew goverment that works for the zionist jews to destroy greece and the world. no comparison to ancient greek leaders to zionist jew servants to the new zionist jew kill the world order. to many brown tongue traitors pasok=zionist jew new democracy=zionist jew kke=zionist jew. sireza=zionist jew most greek politicians work for the zionist

  2. Security at the Greece airports are walking around with pictures of Mr. Tucker

  3. 4 those who think Bilderberg is a hoax –

    Why do you think these people with their background meet ?
    To share recipees to bake a better cake ?

    Come on think
    This is as clear as it can get
    These people are all influenzual and rich
    Don’t you know money rules the world
    These are the people who own the banks that governments borrow from

    Extra security on 2009 might be because
    There just was an attack on the Dutch queens house 30 april 2009
    Where a guy tried to run his car into the queens bus

  4. Uhhhh he can’t very well help that the phone line sucks.. and he is umm.. old?

    So stfu ********.

  5. Hi Dave. I was a little disturbed that Alex would ask Jim who the guy was that was leaking the info. I think we don’e need to know that. We only need to know what is going on there. Glad your back.

  6. Wow..Alex looks like he needs about a months worth of rest! Jim need’s an interpreter..My ears bleed trying to decipher wtf he is saying!

  7. The Times had an article about Bilderberg yesterday. They even mentioned Jim. I think you can still find it on their website.

  8. All I have to say is all their money won’t be able to buy any air conditioning in HELL!!!

  9. It is happening today right in plain sight The persecution of the American people… Freedon lovers, Christians, True Patriots and just plain good decent people who have a healthy distrust in the current political process and speaking out against fascism and law makers who are bringing forth Tyranny… The American Holocaust must be stopped

  10. WTF is this old man saying ? I cannot understand a word that’s coming out of his mouth. If what he was saying was that important, you would think he would be uh…uh…uh….a little more clear.

  11. For those who keep attacking Jim Tucker…you are on thin ice, you will be bounced.

  12. get the ***** out of your ears and then maybe you will know what he’s saying

  13. Boy, that does it. Your arguments are SO powerful, you are right! The Bilderbergers are going to lead us into one-worls tyranny (as idiots like you have been saying for , well, only about 40 years)

  14. Increased security? To guard them from what? The love of the people? Ha ha ha – those cowards fear us, but soon they’ll start shitting their pants when the pitchfork and torch party comes to collect them!

  15. Peoples comments are even crazyer and stupider than the bullshit spit from Alex Jones mouth.

  16. 309 Views
    09:42 GMT
    East Midlands England

    Tyranny ever increasing while
    too many mindless people
    make stupid comments
    and squabble with each other.

    The Elitists love to see their farm
    animals (the people) fight with
    each other.
    It makes it so much easier to CULL them
    in the future.

    Stop fighting each other, this is your life at stake.

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