Alex Jones Calls the White House

Alex calls the White House and leaves a message about the H1N1 hoax. Classic. Download it. ______ Swine flu pandemic? It feels like a phoney war Dr John Crippen is the pseudonym of an NHS doctor who writes a popular medical blog. This is his account of the view from the GP’s surgery * Dr John Crippen * The Guardian, Friday 1 May 2009 Oh! God, now I know it is serious. The Health Protection Agency has sent me an algorithm to tell me how to deal with swine flu. It arrived today in an email …

31 thoughts on “Alex Jones Calls the White House”

  1. This call is a hoax – If you call the white house number on off hours, you’ll get the same message. If you listen it says to call back, you can’t leave a message. When the woman’s voice stops, there is no “beep beep” like you hear in Alex’s video. Alex’s left hand is manually putting that sound effect into the sound system, duping everyone thinking he is really leaving a message on the Whitehouse phone. If you’re sharp, you’ll pick this up. Question everything!!

  2. Mmm, but to agree with you i’d have to trust what YOU say about no beep beep sound and no choise to leave a msg when calling there off-hours.

    Why would he make this kind of a hoax? If he wanted to lie about this, he could’ve told us he LEFT this message to the white house and then just read us the message.

    If this is a hoax, it’s a very silly one.

  3. how can u say that the government is not our enemy. did u see the report from keith olbermann that cheney and his crew were brainstorming ideas to provoke war with iran by blowing up navy ships with navy seals that look like iranian ships and used it as pretext for war exactly like the golf of tonkin in vietnam? obviously not. these elitists don’t give a dam about you or your family, yet “they are not your enemy”? for ****** sake WAKE UP!

  4. Boy…i hope that answering machine didnt cut him off ha…. please watch my uploads

  5. anyone listening to this guy is a total dumbass, there should be a special clause under freedom of speech that this dumbass can’t talk, it would be nice if the government did take over so that dumbasses like him couldn’t use their freedom of speech to spread bullshit propaganda that doesn’t have the slightest possibility of being true. how can you allow yourself to be pulled around by the nose by someone who reaps the benefits of the government, yet is 100% against them.

  6. This is great, Alex needed to tell them that we are not going to take anymore of the corrupt lies from the “higher up’s” which is making us a higher threat, we will be the fall of the New World Order and I hope to God that it comes soon.

  7. “V for Vendetta” is a movie version of a graphic novel that is not just a GOOD read, it’s an IMPORTANT read.

    But then, joshisanonymous, I presume you think The Matrix was just about shooting guns…

  8. yea i stand for freedoms and we all should never fall into the dark ways.
    never beleave their mush. i say everyone that beleaves they we born to be free should buy guns to fight anyone that beleaves in taking our freedoms.

  9. Why did he pretend to leave a message. There is no beep it just hangs up

  10. i think you are completely close minded. the government is not your friend. wake up. WAKE UP

  11. How can these Sick Evil Pathological Misfits who have sold their souls to the devil get away with such crimes..murder..lies..deceptio n..destroying our world. MENTALLY WE MUST CONDEMN THEM AND DESTROY THEM..THANK YOU AND BLESS ALL GOOD PEOPLE

  12. no it doesnt jackass if it would hang up u would here beep beep beep beep after a minuete

  13. Think about it.
    This isn’t the first time this scenario has played out. It’s happened in every empire. And in every empire there have been double agents, who appear to be working for those of the mob outraged at the controllers, but who are actually leading them astray as well. The truth is probably far more evil and immediate than we can even suspect.

  14. this is fake, the whitehouse does not have an answering machine that you can leave messages on. He is corrupt. I call on all Americans to strike at the corrupt media and government. Stand up and fight for your freedom. We need to become the New American Patriots.

  15. hey techbizzle go look up operation northwoods and you might change your opionion and not be so ignorant!!!!

  16. I’m not Jewish; however, I’m not dumb enough to think that any religious person I know thinks God lives in the clouds. The Bible is pretty meaningless as well. Especially with ascribing partners to The Most High.

    As for God, it’s obvious the universe was created. If you choose to replace God with your own conjecture-false god(infinite universes, strings…etc) that is your choice and loss.

  17. xPythox you will find out while you are burning in hell and sorry it will be to late for you then

  18. mark my word barack baboon obama will be linched by the american people.

    the black people will be in worst off position then they started with.

    third world agenda will not stick!!

    the enemy is the black man!

  19. Alex Jones was reporting and EXPOSING the hype of that day.

    Bill Cooper believed everything should be presented in quiet voice a la Bilderberger Charlie Rose. Bill Cooper was wrong.

    The truth should be LOUD. No INFOWARRIOR is going to join a RIOT.

    Alex Jones already taught people that RIOTS are FRAUDULENT.

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