Alex Jones Channel Suspended by youtube May 04, 09

Hard to believe, but youtube suspended this guy’s channel (presently re-instated). Dave had thousands of Alex’s videos posted with millions of hits and thousands of subscribers. A crazy amount of information and I would imagine thousands of hours of work by dave. You can now find his new work here: . Don’t you just love youtube now? Bloody censors! Contact you tube at You can contact YouTube at the address below. YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave. San Bruno, CA 94066. USA Phone: +1 …

16 thoughts on “Alex Jones Channel Suspended by youtube May 04, 09”

  1. No, youre just either a closed-minded redneck, or your one of the many, many, MANY people working for fuckeduptube trying to shut the truth up.

  2. We Got Him Suspended NWOTA New World Order Trolls Alliance ..We Did IT ! We OWN HIM !

  3. Time to wake-up (or, “Waco” up), sheeple.

    Google “flojo Alex Jones” for latest info on the REAL NWO.

  4. you people are naive idiots. Jones is a liar and Zionist agent. Ask him about his Jewish wife and kids. ask him why Midas Resources owns GCN? Now do you see the war? It’s for your wallet.

    Research Jones’ sponsors – all JEWISH

  5. “In the case of the U.N. controlling all of our national parks”

    I had no idea there were so many kooks out there…wow…

  6. I’m all for freedom of speech, but not for freedom of idiocy.

    either this moron presents his case to the courts, or he shuts the hell up!

    you dumb idiots, he is feeding off of you!
    stop paying attention to this moron!

  7. So, are you actually moralizing about Jones and saying that you dislike Jones because he is a liar, Zionist, and because Jones does business with the Jews, but you are ok with your own racism, bigotry, and antisemitism?

    Do you not see the inconsistency, if not hypocrisy, of your position?

  8. LukeAlexN64, you are so sad and pathetic you gave yourself a youtube handle of Luke and Alex LOLOL Get a life, you racist piece of paranoid *****. Nobody is suppressing the truth, the truth is obvious you are freaking loser.

  9. I’m looking for “The Best” new search engine along w/ many others. The one that DOES NOT obtain your IP adress is IXQWICK check it out!

  10. Fellow Christians,
    There is a “hate crimes bill” S.909 that was devised by the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith in order to criminalize Christianity. Any pastor who speaks out against homosexual marriage will be prosecuted. Any Pro-Life citizen who speaks out against the evil of abortion will also be prosecuted. Check out truthtellers and watch Rev. Ted Pike’s videos explaining the danger and then call your Senators toll free at 877-851-6437 and tell them NO on S.909.

  11. Better world if Alex Jones was off the air and kept his opinions and conspiracy theory to himself. I am all for free speech, ANTI-censorship/filtering and Web Privacy.. It is true that Youtube/Google filters and censors oh yeah and google history but this seems to be an obvious publicity stunt..

  12. Yo. Type Knights of Malta into an comment on infowars. When you refresh your comment will be gone.

    i posted a comment that said. Please stop spamming all “k.n.i.g.h.t.s. o.f. m.a.l.t.a.” everywhere. but without the periods. my comment was gone. even though i was saying to stop spamming.

    I just wanted to see if that made a difference. But People talk about that bs aj censorship yet he’s censoring comments on his websites.

    check it out

  13. If the truth is so obvious, please respond to my comment with answers to these questions.
    Why did the buildings in New York fall at virtually free fall speed?
    Why is there no evidence of a plane crash in shanksville?
    Why was there a lousy investigation into 911?
    In the case of the U.N. controlling all of our national parks, this is obvious truth but noone believes it. Until the government can be upfront and tell us where the trillions of dollars of bailout money went, I will never trust.

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