33 thoughts on “Alex Jones End the Fed OTN Interview”

  1. I thik the info and videos Alex Jones is putting out there is good, although does anyone think its strange that he never mentions the jesuits? if you research it you will find that the Jesuits got Adam Weishaup to set up the Bavarian Illuminati in 1776 as a front for their activities,, I think its good the info Alex jones is spreading, but i just think its odd that he never mentions them, this makes me believe he is an agent of the Jesuit order.

  2. Alex Jones exposed



  3. It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
    Henry Ford

    Call your states senator and congressman.Ask them to audit the FED by supporting the following bills.

    In congress Ron Pauls-*** 1207
    In the senate Bernie sanders S-604

    Call & tell them how you feel about the war, torture,nafta,the patriot act etc.

  4. I keep hearing ron paul be named, However i have to look at his record and i see he has only spoken out and no real change has occured.He is a spy.Everyone knows the government is hijacked. Why is he there?If the new world order is thwarted, it will not come from a leader within our present government.There will be an awakening, and peaceful protests will happen on a large scale.The ones who prepared and trained will violently protest and out of the violent/peaceful protests a true leader.

  5. The King Rats. I was inspired after watching this to make a King Rat for the End The Fed march in Philly April 25 2009
    Alex keep up the good work.

  6. End the Federal Reserve. They are a bunch of @SSHOLE. Let the power of the government make the money.

  7. It makes NO SENSE, we make these guys rich. We are a military of citizens, not mercenaries or robots. If Hitler failed, so will Rockefeller, the Rothschilds, and the rest of them.

  8. Under Our Federal Constitution, we have a Public National Bank owned by the people of the United States.This Public (not Privet) Bank issues credit or money to the States threw a State Chartered
    Banking System. Citizens walk into there local bank and borrow real U.S. Tresurey notes (not Fed Notes) backed up by gold and silver. They pay maby 1% or 2% interest rate.

  9. I wish the 70K + that viewed this video would have been there with us in person. Stay tuned to endthefed (do t) us. For the next one

  10. Here’s a look into who was involved in setting up the Federal Reserve in 1913.

    Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin (Rothschild and world economy)
    Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris
    Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy
    Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Germany and Amsterdam
    Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
    Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
    Goldman Sachs Bank of New York
    Chase Manhattan Bank of New York (Controlled By the Rockefeller Family Tree)

    guess what all jews!

  11. Spread the word.
    Ill be at the one in Cincinnati or Cleveland.


  12. Alex Jones’ wife is 100% Jewish.

    Her father’s name is EDMUND LOWE NICHOLS.
    Her mother’s name is SANDRA KAY HEILIGMAN.

    LOWE and HEILIGMAN are stereotypical Jewish names.

  13. sorry to say but Alex would not be doing this if the cameras weren’t there.


  15. Check to see if your Congressman/Woman has co-sponsored H.R. 1207, Audit the Fed Bill, yet by going to the site below. Once you put your zip code in you will not only find out if they are a co-sponsor but ways to contact them if they aren’t.


    Add tk to the url above and also to the one below to sign the Petition.


    Ron Paul/Rand Paul 2012

    HISTORY that We The People WILL DEFINITELY get behind.

  16. the fake fed reserve are legal money counterfeiters. they counterfeit your money & loan it back to u at interest. what a scam!

  17. look at how the security guy in the suit laughs arrogantly when he turns his head… oh well you know what they say “ignorance is bliss”

  18. The federal reserve is a PRIVATE bank that charges a % interest on each dollar it prints out and loans it out to our government to fund their projects.
    The more money it prints, the more profit it makes, and the less the value of the currency, additionally the taxes we pay are used to pay this debt to the bankers who own the Fed, most taxpayers do not know that we’re borrowing our own money.
    We should be printing our OWN money, and ABOLISHING the Federal Reserve, and stop paying the bankers.

  19. borrowing money from the FED means having to pay the FED interest on money the FED does not have, just prints. if gov spends money to create something, they order a “chair” or a road from you. you make it, you get money from the gov. the gov gets a road it can toll or give to you & business & so wealth is CREATED. why would gov want to “borrow” money at interest from the FED, money the FED doesnt have, when money’s supposed to reflect work thats being DONE, not numbers borrowed!

  20. if you guys have nothing to do when listening to Alex’s show or whatev make a message like wake up people there’s a NWO bla bla and support Alex Jones FreemanTV, Dr Deagle etc and spam that **** over random youtube videos..just a suggestion

  21. ur a dikhed ,,cause he wud hes the only 1 that wil stik up 4 us the people that dnt wana b apart of the slave nations alex jones has the real news and all the info 2 convict these criminals sounds 2 me ur fallin in 2 the braket of the new world order suporter sort ur ****** head out and wake up ….

  22. Alex Jones cant say ‘It’s the Jews’ as this would be Racist/Anti-Semitic and he would be prosecuted. Besides its far more powerful if he says ‘Banks, Bankers, Federal Reserve etc’ and we all ‘get it’ that who is really behind this are my lot – Jews. Let me state that the Jews we are talking about are as far removed from me as a Peasant Farmer is from Royalty or as far as you and I are removed from the so called Wall St Bankers who sold the Derivatives containing the CDO’s and Toxic assets!

  23. We need to unite for the cause of liberty and stand against the new world order.

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