32 thoughts on “Alex Jones’ ENDGAME – Trailer”

  1. i wana know what happend to the
    9.7 trillion dollars that “disappeared”
    id like ssome of it

  2. For Goodness sake, People believe these Conspiracy Therioes because they cant face the Truth that not everything is Corrupt, the world is not gonna fall

  3. Time to wake-up (or, “Waco” up), sheeple.

    Google “flojo Alex Jones” for latest info on the REAL NWO.

  4. Fellow Christians There is a “hate crimes bill” S.909 that was devised by the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith in order to criminalize Christianity. Any Good Christian who publicly stands up for traditional marriage or protests the millions of babies murdered by abortion will run the risk of jail like in Canada. Check out truthtellers and watch Rev. Ted Pike’s videos explaining the danger and then call your Senators toll free at 877-851-6437 and tell them NO on S.909. Save Our Constitution

  5. Because America is full of idiots who don’t do anything good but just watch sports all day and play video games and they think that their government will take care of them. Sad but true.

  6. Alex is a lunatic, but he tells the truth. I mean you can’t stay normal after knowing what he knows. Time will come when he will tell everything he knows.

  7. Tell me One good god damn reason why the hell not after reading all the document’s, seeing their crimes and even simply looking around and even slightly researching this. HOW IGNORANT and .. STUPID do you have to be … To Not Believe ??

  8. Alex Jones is a schill. This dude spews so much bs and fear he’ll get your head spinning.

    Research William Cooper, the man that predicted 911, not his clown.

    Look up Jones’ Y2K broadcast too, if you want an extra dose of bs and fear.

    Listen to it, seriously. Fact check some of the stuff he says. So many lies

  9. There is a conference being held right now in Montreal called “Adapting To The New World Order” Google it

  10. “1984” is a dystopian novel written in 1949 by George Orwell, portraying a world (set in the then future of 1984) where a repressive, secretive, and totalitarian government ruled much of the world, willing to execute people for even having dissenting thoughts. July 4th 1776 was the date that the Decleration of Independence was issued (soon after the start of the American Revolutionary War) and the colonies that ended up forming the United States declared themselves independent of Great Britain.

  11. so your saying every religion except yours is false? Im jewish and dont believe what your saying about jesus and the antichrist. U can say im wrong but there is nothing you can do to prove your right for a fact. Besides, the bible is not predicting the future, it merely states stories to give people good guidlines to live by. U r ignorant

  12. beatrice1180:

    Alex Jone’s logic and positions are secular, even in light of the fact of his professed Christian faith.

    To fuse religion with his work advocating ALL people’s rights as citizens in a free nation only demonstrates your poor understanding of the issues.

    Inject your doctrine elsewhere…..please!!

  13. exactly! ppl should wake up already >_>
    60% of what he says is absolutely true.
    or even more iono.

  14. I agree, Trust me im a supporter of alex jones and his work.. but just as i am hes crazy.. after your learn of the truth of the world we live in you begin to lose your concious mind.. its time the world wakes up to the truth.. things are going to get bad people.. soon

  15. It already says’ in the Bible that 1/4 of the earth will parish. Jesus will come back and take his flock ,and come come back again to deal with the anti-christ,the NWO and evrybody else. So get saved now and have some peace of mind because your never gonna stop what written in the Bible.

  16. Bilderberg is in violation of the Logan Act. So much footage and evidence supports this. Why has no one been indited/persecuted ?

  17. If you live in Indianapolis and if you are tired of sitting in-front of a computer screen, then contact me. I am starting a civil rights group. We will fight. We will win. We will not falter. “think globally, act locally.”

  18. People are scared to face the truth, they are scared of making that change 🙁 Its sad

  19. ***** bush, ***** obama their all the same people doing the same job, killing millions and earning millions.
    ITS TIME TO STAND UP, WAKE UP and tell them to ***** off and that we wont be their slaves.

    copy and paste this everywhere to make the governments ***** themselves

  20. beleive.

    when it comes and they slowly disturb YOUR life then you will to.
    I JUST WANA SEE EM COME AROUND MY PART. us corn fed country boys got more guns and man power than you think 🙂 we will be the 20 percent. all you other fuckers cant even plant a garden to eat all winter.

  21. A good deal of the events described in the Book of Revelation happened, culminating with God’s judgement and destruction of the Jewish nation in AD 70 after their rejection of the Messiah.

    “There is no merit in vanquishing people forsaken by their own God”- Titus Flavius after destroying Jerusalem

  22. someone should tell alex jones that the american revolution was lead by the colonial aristocracy

  23. If you want to know the causes of the French Revolution,Russian Revolution,WW1 etc. read “Under the sign of the Scorpion” by Juri Lina a Swede born in Russia. Be forewarned ,Juri is no Christian and I wouldn’t expect him to be since he is from Sweden. However still, knowledge that can be gleamed from his book. If you are wondering how the US could have gotten in such a mess then you might see the similarities between France,Russia and now the US. Could the same be planned for us? .

  24. Heh, well then jones is just as bad as the Elite themselves. selfish *********.

    good point bro.

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