Alex Jones – FBI and The Obama Deception

Alex reported today they are receiving FBI phone calls asking for details to the inner workings of the radio show. Questions like where is the Office, how many employees, how many Internet servers and their locations, etc. Alex feels it has to do with the immenent release of his latest documentary: The Obama Decepion. Stay tuned to infowars for more details. Alex may be forced to release the film today to get the word out, before its too late to save the Republic. Watch for the movie here …

32 thoughts on “Alex Jones – FBI and The Obama Deception”

  1. All of us who know Alex is the word of truth should form a group, and in the event he is arrested we should show up in the thousands and bust him out. Alex is my leader.

  2. The last sentence is the main thing I believe. Until we have reason to know otherwise, we don’t need to be rejecting anybody. Not everybody is at the same stage of awareness or knowledge either. Including some of our “leaders”

  3. alex jones you are the man!!!!!!….and im behind you on all of this….fck u rockefeller and your trillateral group nd your nwo…..

  4. alex knows and all you know that there not gonna come get him if they criminalize him him (and i know i spelt that wrong) were proven right so watch out for them to MAke him one of them …theyre gonna start to make a movement again to say hes part of it Disinformation itll happen

  5. go to 911missinglinks(dot)com

    they can stop us, but they cant stop the truth!!!!!

  6. worldnetdaily news say’s Obama still wont turn over college diploma’s or truly verify his birth. In Corp America (to get a job) your background and citizenship is verified, why not OBAMA!

    He has 3 law firms with endless attorneys and 100’s of ‘clerks’ beating down prosecution.

    I smell a big black RAT.

    American’s young adults AND poverty adults are TV idiots. Can’t think for themselves – JUST MEDIA JUNKIES who fly by words and NO facts. Obama left Illinois in a 12 BILLION dollar deficit.

  7. The Obama Deceptio is obviously a conspiracy theory movie. Anyone that buys into it is very gullible. The hatred coming from the right wing crazies is off the map. I don’t know what to make of it.






  9. June 4th, 1963 …J.F.K. signs Executive Order 11110 which gave the U.S. Government the power to issue currency without going through the Federal Reserve. We know what happened after that. Every President that has fought the central bankers has at least had an attempt on their life

  10. This film reminds me of the “Obama’s 50 Lies” that the right spammed throughout the world. It blew everything out of proportion and even outright lied about so many facts. See the Snopes debunk (look up “Obama 50 Lies’)

  11. When Alex says go I’m ready! I believe everything he says. I don’t need to do any research because he has done it already. As long is it makes sense I’ll believe it.

  12. damn right go ahead and kiss the old world orders ****. all it will result in is your kids becoming endentured servants and sex slaves

  13. alex is 1000% accurate. He is putting himself and his family at great risk and he deserves are immediate attention. We must back him up when they come for him….

  14. FBI = Famous But Incompetent

    If the patriot act allows the feds to tap into our phones, log all internet traffic, seize our property, log all fax, why don’t the feds just gather the source code of the programming for the voting booths and lay off Jones. ***** this govt.

  15. ★☺Ron Paul-Kucinich 2012 (copy and paste spread the word) go to this channel votepaulkucinich2012☺★

  16. The “Obama Deception” film is pure propoganda designed to deceive the people. It mixes partial truths with distortions and lies cleverly spinning a
    conspiracy theory. Alex makes one conspiracy theory film after another. The right wing extremists have used this film as their weapon and are engaging in a smear campaign. They don’t like Obama… period. It has nothing to do with individual decisions being made.

  17. I saw a video where Alex gets bullied and arrested for asking Bush a question. And THIS??? What the #$@&!! I can’t believe I was so lied to all my life about this country. What a sham!! There is NOTHING the FBI is going to be able to do about “The Obama Deception”. The truth is out. And it will continue to come out. Once the sheeple realize WHO is responsible for tanking the economy all hell’s gonna break loose.

  18. watch my video on making 50 copies of the obama deception. Free software links are included in the description. Help us destroy the nwo.

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