Alex Jones – Jim Tucker:Bilderberg 2009 Pt1

Jim Tucker is welcomed back to discuss the upcoming Bilderberg Group meeting at the Nafsika Astir Palace Hotel in Vouliagmeni, Greece, May 14-17 2009. Annual Elite Conclave, 58th Bilderberg Meeting to be held in Greece, May 14-17 Canadian Free Press Wednesday, May 6, 2009 The 2009 Bilderberg Group Conference will be held at the five-star Nafsika Astir Palace Hotel in Vouliagmeni, Greece, May 14-17, according to author Daniel Estulin. Insiders have told Estulin that rooms have been booked and …

8 thoughts on “Alex Jones – Jim Tucker:Bilderberg 2009 Pt1”

  1. It’s incredible isn’t it? Their eyes always ‘Glaze’ over when you mention anything related to it.
    When you give them physical evidence that they can TOUCH and see for themselves like the Georgia Guidestones, they still react the same way.
    Only when their favorite items are taken away from them will they moan and whine, and scream out “I have Rights, don’t you know”
    They can’t see the Wood (Forest) For The Trees these people.
    It’s THEY who are letting the rest of us down, not the enemy.

  2. Jesus really said it will be the end of a eon or age! Which happens every 2600 years! That’s what he was talking about not the end of the world!

  3. Lots of people know about the NWO and don’t care, as long as they can keep eating and spending money. They just don’t care whio rules the world as long as they can live their lives like they do now.. fear of change..

  4. mehr als 50% der deutschen sagen! 911 war ein inside job!und es werden täglich mehr! die dreckigen lügen von reuthers,bnd und den anderen medienhuren fressen nur noch verseuchte!und das wissen schon seeeehr viele… es gibt schon eine echte “anti bilderberger” bewegung! weiter so!worldwide! crush down the bilderberger…live free! infokrieger555 🙂

  5. Hey, what else is freedom but being able to choose to buy from 100 different kinds of potato chips…

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