23 thoughts on “Alex Jones – Martial Law 911 (Part 1)”

  1. This was just another peice of the huge puzzle that the NWO’s putting together for years for total world domination. This is our government at work- when will Americans wake up? God Bless all those that lost their lives that day for nothing more than the quest for greed and power

  2. Even from a security sense , banning photos in broad daylight of buidlings or cops or homeless , u can take pictures secretly of anything ,
    This is part of the conditioning program , ” u need security & we will provide it ” & today its the RNC convention , tomorrow the Boy Scout Convention .
    Sound Wave Gun , R you kidding me , tell me this not part of a TOTALITARIAN STATE , hell Mao would have loved ” Security” Blimps , Sound Wave Guns , cameras on civilians , tazers ….

  3. whoever thumbs downed UFO, there is actualy Martial law in a new york town called Schenady

  4. how can you expect to reson with these pepole and take them to court for brakeing the law when they make the law and are above it?. i know many of you dont like guns or violence but what happens when the pepole you trying to jail for tadeing our rights away? bleave in it? you will not get anywere with peaceful protest. we need armed revoltion you can’t wake up everyone.

  5. They announced yesterday that Martial Law might be coming sooner than you think – to New York.

    Click my username to watch the video. Don’t forget to spread the word!

  6. scare people and then make them buy you´re stuff realy funny. don´t believe this *****

  7. They Already have martial law in Toronto. They have us cordined off into Metallic looking sports stadiums, whilst the people groan and shout, plus they are Monitoring using open and closed circuit televion! They have deployed the army and the mutant cyborg army of christians hindus and other nature worshippers!

  8. This is why Jesus is coming to get HIS people. The ones that confess now that Jesus is Lord and accept Him in their heart. Because very soon the antichrist will take over and everything is almost ready for that. People, please, wake up! The Bible mentions this too. When are you gonna believe? What more do you need to believe that what is happening is very real?

  9. there are alot of people who are waking up. the question is, will religions still be more concerned about making a believer out of everyone, or are they going to put themselves aside and join others for the greater good while maintaining their beliefs more in a harmonious way?

  10. you cannot control humanity .. you may think you can .. but we are a virus a virus that will not give up 6 billion to 1 ,, if you try to starve me ill eat you

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