13 thoughts on “Alex Jones on FOX with Judge Napolitano!”

  1. I predict Jesus will come back on a white horse in 2000….

    oh snap… i forgot that prediction fell flat.. much like your ridiculous prediction…

  2. I would divorce you too if you listened to this guy or believed in an antiquated god. I like Zeus myself. He would have raped Jesus if either one of them were real.

  3. Is New World Order a dirty word?

    What is wrong with having a world wide government?

  4. It’s stupid to call Murdoch a globalist when FOX News and SKY News have so many people from Hannity to Beck to Napolitano calling all this ***** out when CNN, BBC and MSNBC doesn’t cover any of this..

  5. What’s a global new deal?

    Well, in the UK we have a government program, aimed at getting people back to work, and off the state benefit system. It is called the “New Deal”.

    When Gordon Brown said he wanted a global new deal, I believe he was actually refering to the New World Order, but couching it with the term “Global New Deal” for the following reasons:

  6. Jesus is so powerful all he has to do is speak the word of God and people drop dead. Look it up in revelations. Jesus>Zeus.

  7. “Alex Jones infiltrates the camp of globalist Rupert Murdoch, appearing on FOX with Judge Napolitano.”

    For all that is holy…does it have to be so…idiotic?

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