26 thoughts on “Alex Jones on Russia Today TV”

  1. In US is no freedom man…you are totally under government control as nowhere else,you watching TV to much.You are free to do as government tell you

  2. thats how its done, the dumb sheeps will never understand, there brains r too fucked from the flouride in our water too think clearly….they will understand when martial law is in there city.

  3. you are a ******** idiot, you are an ignorant brainwashed american that still believes that 19 arabs from a cave could pull off 9/11 :), so your the ******** idiot here u fool, go read a book for once in your life ..:)

  4. FYI,
    Useful idiot Алекс Джоунс (Alex Jones),
    Abkhazia was not a russian enclave nor was it attacked by Georgia.

    Actually the “snuck attack” through Abkhazia was on Georgia by Russia.
    Georgia did not attack Abkhazia.

  5. What propaganda! Russia and her politicians have got an inferiority complex, which is why they still try to make headlines and keep feeding the civilized world with her nonsense.

  6. What you claim for Alex you are guilty of youre self! Alex Jones is a true Patriot fighting for the truth to come out! He asks the tuff questions he puts light on govts fraud! He defends America the real America of the constitution! He is the one showing us what Banksters have in mind destroying America and the dollar by design bringing in the Amero and the North American Union + The New World Order! He is the one witch warned us in time whats coming down on us if we dont wake up!

  7. wow, i always thought that we were trying to provoke another cold war. but i didn’t know we were being so brutal about it

  8. I believe in the complexity and false flag attacks. How the hell does Alex Jones know all these things? Does Alex Jones work for the communist? Anybody ever thought about that? America should be peacefull but who the hell really knows what the hell is going on.

  9. does anyone REALLY think Russia [can] be defeated? LOL wow… anyone who thinks its going to happen… remember that Russia has never been conqured… and Russia never will be… we are simply put — ETERNAL!

  10. Lots of good quality full length documentary content at my channel.

    Be sure to check out the links on the left of my page for far more quality documentaries!

  11. this is great bullshit !!!!!!!! hijacked by who ??? they are ones making rules and those parts were always parts of Georgia and now Russia want to take them so they have sea access to better prepare military to challenge u.s in power. so read the news source tv show is called Russia today ?\!!!!!!! this is pure bullshit for dumb people !!!!!!

  12. Your full of ***** you ******** ****** **** Swede. Your Country sucks man. Look at all The Muslims dude. Whats up with that? You just let everyone and their mother come into your Country don’t you?

    Your comparing The U.S. to the Soviet Union? You call yourself SMART?

    You don’t understand what freedom of Religion is? Thats a pretty BIG difference, wouldn’t you say?

    Come on, if your gonna claim to be smart, don’t say something ******** stupid, K?

    Don’t forget to bow to Mecca tonight.lol

  13. Don’t let russia exterminate us without a shot fired “FIGHT”
    check the links on my channel!
    copy and paste:

    Payday Monsanto Payze Duez Sheeple of Amerika

    my family attacked copy and paste:

    Re: William Cooper murdered 2001 updated

  14. what the ***** are u moron talking about? Russia HAS sea acces in the black sea but how would an jackass like u know that since thent say it on TV all the time.Hijacked my the industrial-military complex, but ure 2 retarted to understand what this means. and russia today has covered much more info around the world that any Us channel. you people just love siting in the studio and judging everything from your stupid cold-war-era point of view. Dumbass…

  15. “Olimpius Inferno”. Action Movie about Georgia-S.Ossetia War:


    The TRUTH is just here.

    Documentary Film about Georgia-S.Ossetia War:


  16. CCN would obviously not let Alex Jones speak……

    I hate the way the world only pays attention to to the West and thinking Russia is the bad guy. This is VERY unfair. Russia is trying to promote peace. And I just loved the way how Russia Today has allowed Alex to speak.

  17. Alex Jones plays his popularity on RussiaToday and SaharTV. He uses the same words as Russian and iranian official propaganda. Lying, changing the truth, ignoring events and History. RT, SaharTV , Alex Jones and friends are Guilty to colaborate with kgb’s plans. As the message of Vichy’s government under german occupation. Please, diffuse this message because this “theories” are more and more popular around the world, and dangerous at least. History never lies.

  18. I agree 110% keep russian peacekeepers in Georgia. America lies to its own People. Abkhazia and South Ossetia will be free. Long Live Russia

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