5 thoughts on “Alex Jones – Secrets in Bohemian Grove”

  1. Just seems like a harmless bit of fun to me, wealthy people have always had secret societies… So what? Poor people have poker nights and football. Who cares? As an experienced Luciferian, I can tell they don’t know what they are really doing to any great extent, just playing at being real Satanists. People take this far too seriously, but what do you expect in a world grown sick with the christian plague.

  2. yeah,sure..take it to court,hahaha… do you really truly believe the criminal justice system/ courts are independent and free from control by the true powers-that-be?…….

  3. one you need to check your writing before posting, and second Alex Jones David Icke is just here to get people thinking of nuclear fallout everytime they talk to people with their teeth missing. No i don’t believe that Alex Jones David Icke or any PCTs works for the NWO I believe they are just pulling strings to have their very own anarchy state. You have to remember the cuban revolution how castro turned socialist after he took out the mafian country.

  4. I have watched most of his vids and you kno im starting to belive his works for the them and many others to,Alex should be dead if this was truely him finding this out or with him giving u little information but then mixing it wth loads of lies all im saying is question the peeple who do this

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