Alex Jones Show {Sunday Edition} 1/8:It’s Time to Take A Stand America!!!

8 Republicans who voted for Cap and Trade The following republicans voted FOR the largest tax bill ever passed by a session of Congress. Any good work they have done has been for naught. Unless they change their votes by the deadline, Wed, July 2nd, they will for ever be a member of the Cap and Tr8tors. HR 2454 RECORDED VOTE 26-Jun-2009 7:17 PM BILL TITLE: American Clean Energy and Security Act #capandtr8tors is the Twitter tag to use on this topic. …

21 thoughts on “Alex Jones Show {Sunday Edition} 1/8:It’s Time to Take A Stand America!!!”

  1. no it wont be nuclear…well not nuclear from USA or UK…they want to keep the buildings secure with no radiation… look-up ‘RUSSIA tries new bomb’ its got the same blast as a NUKE but no radiation fallout, scary stuff!!

  2. OK…

    Alex Jones is definitely justified in his anger at the ignorant American sheep who are currently distracted by Michael Jackson’s death & are not paying attention to the NWO/U.S. goverment’s sudden attempts to end our freedoms in the coming weeks.

    Alex better, however, stop taking cheap potshots at MJ. It’s cheapening his message & offending many of the freedom fighters. By doing so, Alex is coming off as just as heartless & inhumane as the NWO scum that we’re going after.

  3. The list below are RATS from NJ
    You sold us out on the Cap and Tax 8 you voted for
    I hope a Tea Party is planned for all of them

    The Cap & tax Republican turncoats again are:

    Bono Mack (CA) (202) 225-5330
    Castle (DE) (202) 225-4165
    Kirk (IL) (202) 225-4385 (And hes seriously considering running for Senate!)
    Lance (NJ) (202) 225-5361
    LoBiondo (NJ) (202) 225-6572
    McHugh (NY) (202) 225-4611
    Reichert (WA) (202) 225-7761
    Smith (NJ) (202) 225-3765

  4. I don’t agree with them sneaking a bill in darkness. However, go read the bill people.

    DON’T just take Alex’s word. The controls that keep getting put in place are a slippery slope, but not all of them are evil with evil intentions.
    Even if Global warming is a farce, a cleaner earth is NOT a bad thing. I think we can all agree that carcinogens caused by pollution is not a good thing.

    Keep a watchful eye, but also watch for fear mongers hyping up something.


  5. You guys all need to check out the new documentary just released Hyperinflation Nation!

  6. Alex stands for love, truth, justice? This is a joke! Most of his listeners do, but does he? Did he attack Michael Jackson, who died leaving three kids behind, with LOVE? I have heard him say over and over Michael is in hell. Is that LOVE? He makes statements about Michael that are LIES,LIES,LIES! But he stands for TRUTH? JUSTICE? Michael had a trial, and was acquited. Yet Alex repeatedly calls him a pedophile. Is this JUSTICE? No. Alex stands for hate, lies, deception.

  7. Just be civilly disobedient; that’s all. Have an attitude of not being a weasle in the face of authority. Have respect for yourself and be proud of yourself, and this is the vibe that will radiate from you and the “authorities” (and others) will see this. You may be tested, but whoever said this was easy.

    Remember bullies look for someone to pick on so make yourself unattractive to a bully by doing whatever you can think of.

    God bless!

  8. LOL yes your right the fake issue of global warming needs to be address,ok fine il pay carbon taxes to rockerfeller,rothchilds and the royal family and al gore so they can put it in a savings account to be given to mother earth as compensation,actually why does lightning not have to pay carbon taxes,that sets off thousands of tonnes of carbon every day,more than man has ever produced exceeds that every few minutes..fact,sick scam,alex is right,time is short

  9. Perhaps, but he sure gets the message across. His Q scores rate very high as well.

  10. there will be a nuclear war soon,it seems the countries who the anglo american secret services are stirring up trouble all have nuclear weapons……iran,n.korea,pakistan,russia & china,i just think its a little bit of a coincidence,they need a war to get them out of the depression

  11. Stands for love, truth, and justice. Sounds like the Sailor Moon speach lol.

  12. 115 degrees lol
    its 48 degrees here in Canada
    We can’t wait for global warming

  13. Disease & war, want & depravity need not be Man’s natural state. This is an abounding world. Without sinking to the morally-bankrupted religion of collectivism we can alleviate the ills of our neighbors. America’s Luciferian elitists must be brought before the bar of justice.

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