Alex Jones Show (Sunday Edition) 1/8:Kissinger & The CIA’s Color Revolution in Iran

COLOR REVOLUTION IN IRAN? KOPYME June 21, 2009 We all know that the CIA has been involved in several coup detats ever since President Harry S. Truman spawned this creature. Hell, theyve even done it once before in Iran, in 1953. And I think we also know that Iran has been in the crosshairs of the neocons, neoliberals and other policy makers for quite a while. Even the RAND Corporation has been lobbying for another world war to save the US economy. And that, I think is reason enough to …

6 thoughts on “Alex Jones Show (Sunday Edition) 1/8:Kissinger & The CIA’s Color Revolution in Iran”

  1. Gotta agree with you there, blame should only be laid where there is evidence. There are many EU governments involved, corrupted by corporate lobbies etc etc…. It’s the military-industrial-complex, and holds no people’s interests nor any nation’s at heart.

    Best Regards

  2. LOL, as soon as you can find me a campel. geographically speaking Canada is pretty far from Iran too… just saying. Please insult with complete sentences.

  3. Why can’t people stop with the “you american” *****…I’m not responsible for this garbage. I not once said, “I feel like going after Iran.” If you are going to attack someone, please make sure you are attacking the right/responsible people. I don’t mean this to offend anyone, I just wish people would stop trying to make innocent Americans feel guilty for something the government is doing.

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