8 thoughts on “Alex Jones Show {Sunday Edition} 1/8:Total Land Grab (California) by The Banksters is Underway!”

  1. Hey I wish we had more like Alex take it and find the bits that ring true. You think alex is fed 100%. Remember that game where you tell a story in your class and by the time it got back to you in the circle it was twisted and F88cked up? Well there you go.

  2. These words he says are true, we are all humanary stew, if we don’t pledge allegiance to….

  3. From that standpoint i would see AJ this way; I control my household as much as possible. If I see a spider crawling on the cieling across the room, i don’t want it there. Spiders bite so it could be a threat. It’s not exactly useful to me. I’m not necessarily going to go through the trouble of catching and killing it. There are plenty more after it so… meh.

  4. A mobilized and informed populous is indeed scary for them, but if they control all the mainstream media, then it would be a lot easier for them to quell the “truth” using the many formats of information they control and direct. Alex does after all, use public radio airwaves to share his ideology, if they have kept him here, then they want him here.
    He must be doing something good for them and for that we have to question what he says along the way.

  5. Alex Jones doesn’t make predictions. He just tells facts that aren’t mainstream.

  6. I just looked over a years worth of this Con-mans predictions….NONE OF THEM CAME TRUE…What the ***** is wrong with you people.

  7. Alex Jones works for the Illuminati, how?
    Ales Jones job is to make the Illuminati look so powerful and big that the masses get scared to stand up. He is nothing but an elite puppet.

  8. Are you telling us that Alex is working for Illuminati? Then I have to say that you are an **** with a big hole. Alex warns us about every thing the Illuminati want to do. He has dedicated his life to wake us up and to fight against the Illuminati. And he is telling us that about them how strong they are and how to defeat them. He is trying to tell us that even though they are strong, if we get together and
    stand against them, they will be defeated.

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