Alex Jones Show {Sunday Edition} 2/8:It’s Time to Take A Stand America!!!

8 Republicans who voted for Cap and Trade The following republicans voted FOR the largest tax bill ever passed by a session of Congress. Any good work they have done has been for naught. Unless they change their votes by the deadline, Wed, July 2nd, they will for ever be a member of the Cap and Tr8tors. HR 2454 RECORDED VOTE 26-Jun-2009 7:17 PM BILL TITLE: American Clean Energy and Security Act #capandtr8tors is the Twitter tag to use on this topic. …

14 thoughts on “Alex Jones Show {Sunday Edition} 2/8:It’s Time to Take A Stand America!!!”

  1. michael jackson had a disease a Vigitilo that’s why is color skin change and he use umbrella to hide from the sun.

  2. Michael HAD a trial and was found NOT GUILTY!! Did it even occur to you that if Michael Jackson was some random guy from Iowa he wouldn’t have been FALSELY ACCUSED to begin with? Michael wasn’t loved by NWO, mainstream media, even most of Hollywood. Why? Because he truly wanted to help people! He wasn’t like them.

  3. Listen tough guy, I’m fifteen years old. I know you might think that means i really don’t understand this but I have a firmer grasp of it than you. I wasn’t aware that 15 year olds were being used as disinfo agents nowadays but I’ll keep my eyes peeled for the neighborhood paperboy.

  4. I have listened to hundreds of Alex’s videos, and this has been by far, one of the most powerful! I really hope people are waking up! This system of things is going down, but YOU don’t have to!

  5. LOL you people are moronic.
    What does Vitiglio have to do with pedophilia ?
    If Michael Jackson were some random guy from Iowa he’d have been in jail a long time ago..
    The NWO loved him.. Good riddance.

  6. Michael Jackson is rotting away in Hell and people who venerate this man and cry over this pedophile might as well celebrate Stalin. Go Alex!!!

  7. What the ***** , i hate how he’s hating on micheal jackson. Thats some weak *****. Jackson was the ***** and his life got crazy because he couldn’t handle the madness he got thrown at him. Like to see his **** or anyone else have lived his life and turn out to even be famous let a alone a god damn legend

  8. I have seen you post a similar comment on three videos now, yes we know you love MJ, Alex does not and I do not. If this content is to abhorrent for you go somewhere else

  9. dont get me wrong amigo I go to school, work and golf baked but it just makes me not wanna do them i guess. when i lived in the mountains I loved hiking trails and picking mushrooms all high. idk maybe its just because all the NWO bs and I had a recent death close to me and etc etc etc. peace

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