Alex Jones Show (Sunday Edition) 2/8:Kissinger & The CIA’s Color Revolution in Iran

COLOR REVOLUTION IN IRAN? KOPYME June 21, 2009 We all know that the CIA has been involved in several coup detats ever since President Harry S. Truman spawned this creature. Hell, theyve even done it once before in Iran, in 1953. And I think we also know that Iran has been in the crosshairs of the neocons, neoliberals and other policy makers for quite a while. Even the RAND Corporation has been lobbying for another world war to save the US economy. And that, I think is reason enough to …

11 thoughts on “Alex Jones Show (Sunday Edition) 2/8:Kissinger & The CIA’s Color Revolution in Iran”

  1. This part of the article really cracked me up though;

    “Why all the secrecy? They wanted to speak rich to rich without worrying anything they said would end up in the newspapers, painting them as an alternative world government, he said. “

  2. unless you do your own research on the claims made, then find out that it’s all true, and even that jones does not even fully encompass the full magnitude of his own claims.

  3. I’ll bet you never even looked at the articles He was telling you about. I was skeptical as well. But I gave him the benefit of the doubt & looked into what He was telling me. I haven’t herd a single lie from Alex Jones. Ever ! & nothing credible to refute his Claims. ( Backed by facts ) So find the facts that Alex Jones is a fraud & point them out. None of those videos that are edited together to make him sound nuts.

  4. Alex Jones is foolish…

    I never got a brochure about this in the mail! I never saw this information on outside billboards!

    This is YOUTUBE junk media just to get your name famous.

  5. The reason these end times things come to pass from the bible is because these elites use the bible to stop christians from fighting back, they wrote the NT to control the Jews “look we have the savior now!!!” some how he fits the part exactly, and now they use it to show us that thier own prophetic visions are coming true…LOL.

  6. this is a nationally syndicated talk radio show that lasts 4 hours every day of the week plus more on sundays. the audience of his show is in the millions. it is not from youtube.

    what you’re watching is the work of some random fan of the show who posts recordings of his show up here on YT every day. this channel alone gets 42 thousand subscribers.
    you have NO idea what you’re talking about!

  7. There are 2 types of people in this world:
    those who classify the world’s people as
    being of 2 types and those who don’t.

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