Alex Jones Show (Sunday Edition) 4/8:Kissinger & The CIA’s Color Revolution in Iran

COLOR REVOLUTION IN IRAN? KOPYME June 21, 2009 We all know that the CIA has been involved in several coup detats ever since President Harry S. Truman spawned this creature. Hell, theyve even done it once before in Iran, in 1953. And I think we also know that Iran has been in the crosshairs of the neocons, neoliberals and other policy makers for quite a while. Even the RAND Corporation has been lobbying for another world war to save the US economy. And that, I think is reason enough to …

17 thoughts on “Alex Jones Show (Sunday Edition) 4/8:Kissinger & The CIA’s Color Revolution in Iran”

  1. Food For thought. Look at the Videos from iran.
    Now look at the Videos from the usa. same ***** different ********.
    Except in the usa, if protestors were shooting back at police what do you think would happen?

  2. I generally think Alex Jones is a sensationalist and poor journalist but he’s definitely onto something here.

  3. Here’s a view- Why is YT promoting the latest videos from Iran on every page at the top? DId they promote the latest vids from Peru or Washington DC or Sudan or Iraq??

  4. Nobody that I’ve ever noticed, joins one day then posts so voluminously the next day.

  5. I have spoken with a women from Iran and she made it clear. The people of Iran are so fed up that their anger is just misplaced. It’s not that they are fighting for freedom. They are just fighting because they have been oppressed for so long. The guy who is the figurehead is going to be worse than the guy who won the vote. The people know this but they are being manipulated. I would help them fight but not when their eyes are covered by fog.

  6. Do it through non-violent,non co-operation not throwing your lives away for some phony CIA backed “moderate”. How about a general strike if this is such a popular uprising?

  7. According to the U.S. govt.’s 9/11 Commission, the attacks of Tuesday September 11, 2001 involved a conspiracy among 19 Arab hijackers commandeering jumbo jets and crashing them into landmark bldgs.

  8. NEW GLOBAL PROTEST CHANT…spread it online and live in streets:

    Khamenei bayad betarseh
    Barayeh omresh berakhseh!!!

    Dance for your lives mullahs! Please spread, Ahura Mazda Bless! Iran wants a divorce from Islam! Persian culure & islam dont mix; Arabs please get your mullahs out my county or well do it by force! “Good thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds” – Zoroaster

  9. K9K9K9er;
    These guys are bunch of losers who smoke pot all day and dream conspiracy. I love your comments but do not waist your time with them idiots. Long live NEDA. We will shake the world. May GOD bless and protect my Iranian brothers and sisters.

  10. The truth is that if Kissinger and CIA does not overthrow Iranian Government they will have to Nuke them. They or Israel will have to do it. Iranian people know that. They aren’t fighting for their freedom. They are fighting for their survival. If they were fighting for their freedom they would do what they are doing a long time ago. Peace.

  11. Your account was made today. How about you stop commenting and instead use your original account to comment? What do you have to hide?

  12. If you listen you will hear that Iran did have a much more free government before in 53 but the CIA intervened & helped the current government come to power. This is not about democracy this is about control. Iran is not in complete control of the oligarchy or global elite & they are vying for power. The Mullah’s also are no peaches and probably want to expand their own powers. It’s a lose lose situation we should just stay out. The US government keeps meddling which only makes things worse.

  13. Good for the people for attacking the police. The police who beat their daughters for not wearing the hejab currectly, police who go inside house and pull the fathers and mothers out of the house and beat them. I highly doubt that the US had to do much after 30 year of oppression. It is better to overthrow this government rather than the US attacking iran wouldnt you agree? Wouldnt the exists of this regime increase the chance of the US litrally attack iran?

  14. There are a group of Mullahs within the Iranian government that want to normalize relations with America. Part of what you’re seeing is a riff between the Mullahs. These guy’s are very unpredictable and violent. If the pro Ahmadinejad Mullahs stay in power then they will go on a witch hunt (which has already begun) and kill and jail everyone that they can identify that had anything to do with protesting. I have been at the receiving end of the Mullahs fury and fear them.

  15. Just from an outsider’s perspective, it sounds like Mousavi is like Obama. Great image, has the support of many young people… but beneath the skin, one finds connections to CIA, arms dealers, saudi arabian elitists. sounds sketchy.

  16. you’re goddamn right he is. he makes me laugh every day. that’s what i call entertainment with a ******** message.

  17. if that musavi gay would really care about ppl he would ask them to stop violence but instead he is asking for more rallies and streetprotests ,btw where is that fool?

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