22 thoughts on “Alex Jones – The WARNING”

  1. if we refuse to participate in their police state, they have no power over us. stop spending money, people. stop going places. stay at home. save your money. play with your kids. work in your garden. read a book. if everyone stopped going to galveston beach, they wouldn’t have anyone to harass. if they put up road-blocks on interstates, then quit travelling on them. hell, quit travelling altogether. the only thing that will end this is a total nationwide strike until they stand down.

  2. these brainwashed *********….are mostely just rent a cop..this makes me want to bite nails… 🙁
    ” i do not consint to search,officer”…do you have a warrent…?

  3. LMAO! THis was funny. Alex Jones should do more voices and facial contortions in his routine.

  4. Warning. That was like the best ending thought ever and it is just so true…I dont see how people dont feel disturbed seeing government buy up everything that we have come out of this country for industry. I wonder where the true line in the sand is because The other countries are fighting this mess kudos to Iceland especially

  5. People used to be considerd and treated as “Innocent until proven Guilty”… Not anymore.

  6. Dude…America is half the time intoxicated with food and alcohol…and the other half jerking off to porn or watching sports… 🙂

    The “revolution” will come, only if those hings are eliminated…

  7. facebook suspend account for no reason too since its free it hapened to me before
    but its harder for facebook to find littles vid like that

  8. Well, that’s just too true, but without food and alcohol…I’m outta here. I’ve long since given up the porn…still watch golf on the wknds.
    Go Ron Paul!

  9. he is right the nazi loving bush family made sure your constitution is now obsolete

  10. LMAO, Alex can make me laugh “we are right now in Nazi Germany, on steroids”

  11. Pretty sure the elite have no plans to stop the flow of alcohol or porn. Food and sports maybe, but not the other two.

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