21 thoughts on “Alex Jones Tv (HD) 1/6:Saturday Special”Exposing The H1N1 Hoax””

  1. Alez was asking us to think about “what is 600 times $20”
    then he asked the internet “guy” to pull up the site that has the info he was talking about.
    but if you want to think he is wrong, or stupid go for it, it won’t make you any smarter

  2. What bothered me was the WHO head saying the word “activate” after changing the level to 5.

  3. — MR.JONES — Either you’re spoon-feather agent or absolutely nuts.

    When will you start to put cheap basic advertising on your youtube-channel?

    Can’t afford? L.O.L

    Why shall YouTube host your programm, when YOU/Mr.Jones cannot pay some pennies for Tube’s service.

    Why shall People pay for PrisonPlanet?

    You’re are a “schmarotzer”, someone who demands everything for free.

    Nobody asked Agent Jones to buy new HI-Q Equipment and “produce” hour long movies.

    ENDGAME = GARDEN PLOT, Cablesplice

  4. A General comment :
    For 4 days I have been trying to find out one simple truth.
    Has anyone except people of Spanish origin died from the new strain of H1N1 Flu?
    Nobody seems to know, or everyone is afraid to tell.
    Once More I ask,,. Has any non-Spanish human died of the H1N1 designer Flue??? Where and when, did it occure.?
    Why is the media so silent on this/the fact of the origins of thoes who died? Why?

  5. Ron Paul-Kucinich 2012 (copy and paste spread the word) If you do not copy and paste this the United States will fail and the world will end.

  6. I oft wonder as something’s gone strange by phony understanding. I reflect on times ago when these thoughts are mad without clarity, I say this, too. By our standards of human longing should they whom know this precisely, put themselves in a central space. I oft wonder….



  7. You know, I like AJ, esp. some of his older work. Remember, back when he added a touch of investigation to his journalism? I remember thinking, as I viewed his visit to the forest of the redwoods, ‘wow, this guy has the balls to match his mouth’.

    Unfortunately, things have fallen off since terrorstorm – it seems like he’s reaching for new conspiracies that, in all probability, aren’t.

    IMHO, I think he should go back to political vids. That’s where his talent lies- behind a bullhorn.

  8. the WHO? LoL…that is one of the most corrupt organizations out there. Wikipedia is a more credible source. That’s how bad it is.

  9. Clowns say you cant believe this…but what you CAN believe is jumbo jets buzzing building in Manhattan and a level 6 pandemic with 18 deaths so far? WHO is the sucker born every minute again??

  10. i like alex jones.. i still don’t agree with him on how he feels about Zeitgeist

  11. HOLY ***** 22k views.
    Is this what all the vidoes should be showing?
    Did youtube forget to tamper with it?
    ….or DID they tamper with it

  12. Alex Jones! You need to start translating your shows into a few different languages!

    Speak the truth!

  13. “What is 600 Million times 20? UHHHH can someone pull that up for me?”

    Basic math FTW

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