Alex Jones With Congressman Ron Paul 2-2

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6 thoughts on “Alex Jones With Congressman Ron Paul 2-2”

  1. Iran is NOT a threat. It’s time for the U.S people to take control – WE THE PEOPLE.

  2. Didn’t realize Ron went on this this show. In regards to the video content i knew things were terribly bad, but this Cheney accusation almost made my jaw drop, although in hindsight it’s nothing to be surprised about.

  3. Essentially Ron Paul is telling us there’s a very good chance we’re going to be under totalitarian rule in a short period of time. He inasmuch as said that an investigation into Cheney’s lunacy can’t happen because he wouldn’t get any support from a Congress that already wants to go in and nuke Iran. We’re in big trouble folks.

  4. Yes, lets wait for Iran to develop a nuke, hand it over to Hizbullcraplah which will than proceed to set it off in an American city.

    Hope it happens next to your house Alex Jones.

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