Please read the description before viewing. First of all, and most likely the most important thing you ought to know, the Frank Sinatra vs. Freddie Mercury instrumental is not here; see, it was made by someone who made it specifically for Epic Rap Battles of History. I have no access to it. Second of all I would just like to ensure you that most of the instrumentals in this collection have crystal-clear audio, and so I hope you enjoy that. And third, I would just like to remind you to subscribe for updates and more instrumentals! 0:00 John Lennon vs. Bill O’Reilly 02:14 Darth Vader vs. Hitler 04:32 Abe Lincoln vs. Chuck Norris 06:46 Sarah Palin vs. Lady Gaga 09:03 Hulk Hogan vs. Kim Jong-il 10:48 Justin Bieber vs Beethoven 13:06 Albert Einstein vs. Stephen Hawking 15:22 Genghis Khan vs. Easter Bunny 17:28 Napoleon vs. Napoleon 19:42 Billy Mays vs. Ben Franklin 22:03 Gandalf vs. Dumbledore 24:20 Dr. Seuss vs. Shakespeare 26:45 Mr. T vs. Mr. Rogers 28:06 Columbus vs. Captain Kirk 30:38 Nicepeter vs. EpicLLOYD 32:11 Darth Vader vs. Hitler 2 34:24 Master Chief vs. Leonidas 35:50 Mario Bros. vs. Wright Bros. 38:11 Elvis Presley vs. Michael Jackson 40:39 Cleopatra vs. Marilyn Monroe 43:03 Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates 45:24 Apology Note 45:33 Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney 47:52 Doc Brown vs. Doctor Who 50:09 Bruce Lee vs. Clint Eastwood 51:26 Batman vs. Sherlock Holmes Epic Rap Battles of History channel: