12 thoughts on “All My Children Jenny Does the Big Apple”

  1. No worries – Jenny is truly dead.

    She never had an easy life on ‘AMC!’

  2. gymnastix you seem to be horribly racist and judgmental…you must be down and out….sorry so sad the song.

  3. Me, too! They were a true supercouple! And I couldn’t stand that “snake face” ****** Liza! LOL

  4. Funny how times change, “Jenny” was ashamed of all this in the early 80s, but if this came out in today’s world, “Jenny” would be a supermodel with a sex tape, like Kim Kardashian, and become legendary.

  5. Look at how slim and what dark hair Michael E. Knight (“Tad”) has in this clip! Nowadays he’s all puffy & gray.

    But, amazingly, Debbi Morgan (“Angie”), except for having a stupid hairdo here, looks pretty much the same today–actually a bit better.

  6. What an amazing scene. Notice how the background music of the porno segued into the background music of the show as Greg chased Jenny? If a show had half the creativity these days, it would be Emmy-worthy.

  7. Does anyone know where I can purchase edits from the early 80s of Greg and Jenny? Thanks!

  8. There was a time when my life just about revolved around Greg and Jenny.

    Thanks for reminding me!

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