All Or Nothing To Me…

I recorded this audio about 2 months ago. I wrote this on the plane, flying back to Fallon, from Home, after my Mom’s funeral last year. I’m not stuck in the same place I was then, but I expect to go there occasionally, ’til I leave this life. I tried to cut out the crying at the beginning, so that’s why it starts out choppy. I ended up just saying “forget it”. GBU, MDJ. All Or Nothing To Me If I were to write something, what would it be? It would be that this writing means nothing to me …

13 thoughts on “All Or Nothing To Me…”

  1. Marvin I Really liked this piece. As I said before I felt your spirit in it. A Mothers love goes beyond measure, it’s all done for your pleasure. There’s nothing like a Mother to son, for it was her love you felt before your life begun. I’m so sorry she is now gone, but you will see her again because she called you son.
    God bless you my friend

  2. this is so sad and sweet at the same time i can tell it hurts to read it your voice shows that your realy hurting along the the wway you are puting the words togater and i no that most people would not under stad what you are saying but i wright to and my grandma says i am an edvanced wrighter and i am only 13 but i am sorry for makeing this comment about me i am sooooo sorry for you loss of you mother

  3. Hi. Thanks for your comment. I’m not really sure what you mean by the “contact” part, but I appreciate whay you mean by “much love”. If you want to contact me, you are always free to send me a PM (private message). God Bless You.
    Marvin J. †

  4. i was hoping to get something about the ego and its own.

    the first words in the book are all things are nothing to me. i musta misread the title of this video

  5. ohh im really sorry about all this you have to go through i was crying by the end of it i always think of things like my mother or father dieing and wat i would do or say it kind of has helped me thank you and god bless you
    H xoxo

  6. Really good. I can feel ur pain 🙁 everythin will be okay mate. stay strong 🙂 good luck x

  7. This is so moving.. this is what grabbed my soul and made me get in touch with you. All or Nothing is done oh, so well. Thank you for sharing your love of you mom with us all.

    Bless you always..


  8. I’m so sorry for your loss.
    I’m sorry you feel so much pain.
    You’re mother will always be with you in spirit and she will watch over you until you meet again.
    God bless you xx

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