All Seeing Eye of Horus at Ground Zero During the 9/11 Memorial Service

All Seeing Eye of Horus at Ground Zero During the first 9/11 Memorial Service,one year after … Place of sacrifice more than 3000 innocent humans…

21 thoughts on “All Seeing Eye of Horus at Ground Zero During the 9/11 Memorial Service”

  1. Jebote, oni uopšte više ne kriju svoju simboliku.
    Uvode je na velika vrata, bez i malo stida i srama.

  2. luciferian freemason pieces of *****!

    The world will awaken to this ***** because of the internet!

  3. i took a few pic of the sun and got something strange on them… very weird. i dont know but might be the all seeing eye.. or something natural. weird part: its not there anymore i been taking pic since.

  4. I feel you brother but, the way to fight them isn’t a physical battle. To fight them you need to take them out of your life and learn to create positive energy instead of negative energy that is helped with their influence. Basically throw out your tell-lie-vision, all digital equipment, magazine subscriptions, radio, etc..It has just been proven that they have been bugging our digital hardware with camera and mic. They watch us in our houses. Also, remember that our energy affects everything…

  5. The word “fight” has many meanings. I have not listened to commercial/NPR radio or watched a television set in years., will not own a cell phone and don’t carry any form of credit card I pay cash for vehicles will be paying off my home this year. After I sell the house I am getting off the grid completely.
    “Fighting” something doesn’t mean you have yo punch it in the face or shoot it.

  6. Cold hearted *********… this is why i start to belive more and more into the Reptilian concept of this sick world that we live in… u have to be a cold hearted person with no heart to continue to do ***** like this !!!

  7. More Luciferian Illuminati symbolism. Their way of telling the other chapters of the world, “look at what we can do”.

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