All-Star Country Band USA – Sweet Annabel Lee

All-star Country Band USA performing “Sweet Annabel Lee”. An art project against still lingering rests of apartheid in western country music. Sometimes I think it some real pity you seldom find black musicians in any US country bands! That’s like writing a book about country music where each second page must stay empty or like being on the look-out for some real new country gems but getting only some silver or gold in the end! They are such fantastic musicians! Let them join your bands, too, and you will find out soon it has been some very wise decision indeed! Country music might get a real boost by it worldwide and the young folks might love it more than ever! It easily might conquer the international dancefloors and dancehalls this way. (You can’t really say so at this very time being honest!) The black musicians already have proved it’s just this way in many other music styles like funk & soul already in the past! I produced this song to give you maybe some first small hints how a modern country production could possibly sound after some black musicians participated in it, too, aside of their white friends and band colleagues! And to open them maybe some doors by it in Nashville and somewhere else in the USA! For somebody who is watching it from a far-off country in Europe it even looks like a still existing small rest of white racism or apartheid in US country music! This gets some even deeper meaning when you hear that only one black US country musician is under