Ancient Australia as having a rich past that started long ago. Australia has been visited in the past by the Ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, etc., along with the distinct possibility of an even more ancient Extra-terrestrial presence. We are trying to change the worldview of Australia (Ab)Original people and culture and their effect upon human development and civilisation under continual consultation with Original Elders throughout Australia we present this information under the banner of Wirritjin (Ramindjeri term.
Steven and Evan have co-written a series of books; “Constructing a New World Map”, “Mary Magdalene’s Dreaming”, and “Forgotten Origin” for the University Press of America. Both “Shunned” published by Possible Press, and the eBook “Ancient Aliens in Australia: Forgotten Origins of Humanity” co-written with Daniella Cardenas & Bruce Fenton, will be released soon.
Thanks to Cliff Dunning
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