Anti Terrorism Rallies Erupt In Major Cities Across UK – Chaos Ensues

Anti Terrorism Rallies Erupt In Major Cities Across UK – Chaos Ensues

On Sunday, June 11th, at Piccadilly Train Station in Manchester UK, a demonstration against radical Islam and terrorism commenced with great impact.

Well known anti-Jihad activist, Tommy Robinson, among the other organizers of the event, lead a silent march against Sharia Law in the UK, bravely standing up for the civil rights Islamism threatens to destroy.

Powerful patriotic voices came together in Manchester to push back against Sharia law and the politically correct government that is defending it. The success of the rally beckons optimism for Britain moving forward, and gives the country hope for defeating the disease of radical Islam. The UK Against Hate rally was nothing short of a triumph for Western civilization.

Here is the original invitation to the event from the Rebel Media website.
We will say ‘no more’, we will walk in silence through the city to honour the dead, we will rally to demand action, we will make ourselves impossible to ignore.“

Here are some of the powerful speeches made at the rally: