As Companies Boycott NRA, Pennsylvania Sheriff Finds Perfect Way To Make Them Pay

As Companies Boycott NRA, Pennsylvania Sheriff Finds Perfect Way To Make Them Pay

In the wake of the Valentine’s Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, company after company has seemingly decided that boycotting the National Rifle Association is the way to end school shootings. Now, a sheriff from western Pennsylvania has found the perfect way to make these liberal idiots pay.

After the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, student survivors like David Hogg responded with calls for a political movement and boycotts. This resulted in rallies across the country one month later, and several sports retailers introducing restrictions on gun sales at their stores. Other companies such as Delta Airlines, Hertz, and the Wyndham Hotel chain announced they were cutting affinity programs for NRA members.

Of course, the NRA had nothing to do with 19-year-old gunman Nikolas Cruz’s sinister plot to slaughter his former classmates, but that fact appears to be lost on the nearly two dozen companies which cut ties with the nation’s most powerful gun rights advocate.
The discrimination against NRA members escalated this month, with American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten releasing a statement saying, “They can have a mortgage market that includes America’s teachers, or they can continue to do business with the NRA and gun manufacturers. They can’t do both. We’re issuing Wells Fargo an ultimatum.”

Similarly, Bank of America said it will stop lending to manufacturers of “military-style firearms” that are sold for civilian use. Anne Finucane, a vice chairman at Bank of America, announced last week on Bloomberg Television that after internal discussions with their gun manufacturing clients, the company will no longer finance their operations.

That’s not all, though. Los Angeles California City Councilman Mitch O’Farrell introduced a proposal in late March asking city staffers for a list of city businesses that have a formal relationship with the NRA so that a discussion could be had surrounding ways to boycott those businesses.
With the NRA boycott ongoing, at least one elected official seems to have their head screwed on straight. According to the Washington Examiner, a Western Pennsylvania sheriff has banned his department from conducting county sheriff business with any of the corporations that have cut ties with members of the National Rifle Association. Mike Slupe, the chief law enforcement officer in Butler County, released the order April 3, but it hasn’t been reported until now.

“Though I cannot dictate which companies you utilize in your personal life, I can and am going to dictate which companies the Butler County Sheriff’s Office will not use,” Slupe wrote. He said the companies won’t be used “when making arrangements for any extradition or stay over that you are scheduling.”

The companies which will be affected by Slupe’s mandate include Delta and United for airlines, any hotels from the Wyndham Group, and vehicle rental companies Enterprise Holdings, Avis, and Hertz.
“These companies made the choice to boycott the NRA for whatever their reason(s) are, so, I am making the choice not to support them,” Slupe wrote. “I believe it is important to send a message as a department that we support the members of our community that are members of the NRA that have had nothing to do with any of the shootings, yet they are the face of the blame in the eyes of corporate America,” the sheriff added.

“While I cannot tell people what to [do] in their personal choices outside of the county sheriff department, I can direct this department to not use the services of these corporations who made the choice to punish NRA members,” he said, according to Breitbart.

Slupe is not the first sheriff to publicly back the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens following February’s mass shooting in Florida. A Georgia sheriff also went viral over the “politically incorrect” welcome sign he posted for visitors to Harris County. “Our citizens have concealed weapons. If you kill someone, we might kill you back. We have ONE jail and 356 cemeteries. Enjoy your stay!” read the sign posted by Harris County Sheriff Mike Jolley.
The left may not like this pushback to their boycott of the NRA, but it is to be expected. American patriots will not see their Second Amendment rights infringed upon without putting up a fight. And, for the record, Sheriff Slupe won the last two elections with over 98 percent of the vote. He has not received any complaints about his new policy prohibiting official business with companies that are jumping on the NRA boycott bandwagon, either. His priorities seem to be squarely in line with those of the community he serves.