Atlantis – Secret Star Mappers of A Lost World

Scientists are now discovering at the bottom of the earth’s oceans stunning evidence of Atlantis that pre-dates the last ice age. For more information on this topic we recomend the film #U663 Atlantis: Secret Star Mappers of A Lost World – 3 DVD Special Edition now available on DVD at UFOTV, all rights reserved. … “Forbidden Archeology” “Secret Science” “Ancient Mystery” Evolution Man Suppressed Controversy “Michael Cremo” “Richard Thompson” “David Childress” “Graham Hancock” …

3 thoughts on “Atlantis – Secret Star Mappers of A Lost World”

  1. Yeah, i thought that when i was a kid, due to tv mostly. But i studied it and it turns out Atlantis was the first civilization on Earth, and seeded the others after by teaching the natives language, agriculture and culture etc. They were a really high tech people too, with hot and cold water, electricity, tv’s, aeorplanes, space travel etc. They were the first to come into physicality, from the Spiritual plane. If you’re interested, the book Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis explains it all brilliantly 🙂

  2. i always thought that atlantis was flooded and the people there evolved to live in the ocean.

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