President Barack Obama Inauguration Speech

Comedian Kenny Johnson as Barack Obama!!

Wings of Desire – Cecilia

… Peter practiced Family Medicine. He had “little faith” and “no experience” with folks who “channeled” for a living. When her “spirit guide” took over, she began to talk like a sailor. I remember thinking her “guide” was one crusty old geezer! “A little spooky” but I remember we all had a really good evening. Cecilia genuinely wanted “to heal” Peter by bringing these folks by. I felt comforted by her “Complete Faith”. She became my (Saint Cecilia) that night. Whatever transpired, Peter …

NWO Occult Pix Preview

Satanic Occult history, just a small sample of the obvious pictures we never noticed…… … nwo occult satanic pix catholisism metropolis tower babel egyption osiris horus alister crowley washington pope triple crown all seeing eye pyramid texe marrs