Barack Obama, then the Asian

I usually dont make a video on tuesdays… but here it is anyways So finally Barack Obama has been inaugurated into the White House, and here I am to bore you to death. yay. BLOG: Follow Me Check out my vietnamese friend:

24 thoughts on “Barack Obama, then the Asian”

  1. ahaha dont delete this video! its pretty cool(: nice video!

    asians ftw 😀

  2. lol oh okay so u do talk normally ^.~. nice vid too LMAO YELLO+WHITE=YELLOW. last thing…calculus x.x

  3. There,u have ur gluestick showed up again,lol. Is that ur sponsor or what? lmao!

  4. I totally agree, with you. LMFAO, nice video BTW. When you’re president, I’ll come visit you and eat Fish and Dumplings.

  5. “News Update: Building Collapses Due to Structural Instablity, Cause of Destruction is Unknown”
    poor 2nd graders. woot for calculus in 10th!

  6. HA HA HA HA!!!….Because I’m Asian…. HA HA HA!! That’s so great!… and I totally agree with the learning of calculus in 2nd grade…. I mean, I learned it in kindergarten, but on account of the lackadaisical society we have to start somewhere.

  7. xD awesome
    (I dont know why, b ut I like your voice, and I swear I didnt mean it to sound so weird, stating it lol)

    But you know, Barack assigned 2 Asians to his cabinet. Hahah. As Secretary of Veteran Affairs, Shinseki, and also Secretary of Energy, Chu.
    Anyway, I love the way you present yourself here, you’re acting totally serious and it works to make the vid funny
    *goes to watch your other stuff*

  8. That was actually very funny. I agree about the chopsticks instead of glue sticks comment because glue sticks are so not asian. Don’t we use rice instead of glue? Hmmm… well I did. LOL Great job though… I actually laughed several times and thought that you were funny as heck. : )

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