Barkin up the wrong tree 10 more questions

thought experiments similar in method to Dante. Which shamanic tradition were they both initiated into? a. The Orphic-Dionysian tradition of ancient Greece. b. The Navajo. c. Judeo-Christian 9. If God said not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad, does that mean it’s Good when you don’t know the difference? 10. When Jesus descended into Hell for a few days, did he notice that Pluto wasn’t really a planet? My questions I already forgot what I was talking about. Oh well …

5 thoughts on “Barkin up the wrong tree 10 more questions”

  1. I tell you what, if you don’t love puppies your american. And If your not american I’m not sure if Jesus loves you: )

  2. Funny stuff but sadly I’ve seen videos with this kind of logic being presented in a serious manner.

  3. LOL Atheist farts don’t burn!
    Puppy Jesus? My shield wasn’t positioned for a thunderbolt like that!
    You’re lucky I didn’t bring out the big guns…

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